Chapter 22

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Talia's POV

I woke up to a raging headache. The pain travels from my head to other parts of my body. I felt restless and tired.

I attempt to sit up but was stopped by two very large hands on each side of me. I turned to see Alex and Tyler both sleeping soundly next to me with their arms draped over me. Our legs were all tangled between each other like vines.

Both their blond and brown hair was all over the place. I smiled to myself and caressed both of their hairs. They responded by stirring a bit.

All of a sudden, the events of last night came rushing through my brain. The drinking, the dancing, the throwing up and passing out. Yup, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble when I get home.

I looked down and noticed that I'm wearing one of Tyler's t-shirts. I remembered how they took care of me last night and my heart bloomed. I always knew they would be there for me no matter the circumstances.

"Good morning," Alex says waking up.

"Hey," I replied.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Like I've just been hit by a train. My head is pounding." I replied sighing.

"Expected." He says.

I decided to wake Tyler up. I gently touched the tip of my fingers with his cheek and stared at him. Holy cow what a gorgeous human being he was. He looked so peaceful in his sleep that I couldn't even bear to wake him up.

When I noticed my gentle method wasn't working, I decided to shake him. He groaned and pulled me to his chest. I gasped as I landed on his hard chest.

I looked over at Alex to see him with a smirk.

"Tyler. Come on. I'm hungry, let's go have to breakfast." I whined.

He finally got himself together and sat up. He smiled at me and asked, "Hangover?"

"Hell yeah." I pursed my lips.

"Anyways I'm going to head to the shower. Ty, can you give me another shirt?" I say while getting up.

"Sure, "Tyler went over to his walk-in closet, "Here."

He threw me another T-Shirt and I catch it with ease. I walked in into the bathroom and got a glimpse of how I looked like. I groaned out loud. 

My hair was all over the place and my make-up was a little smudge. I had dark circles under my eye and that's not even the pain I felt inside included.

I turned on the shower and stood under it. I shampooed my hair and washed. I felt a lot calmer after a hot shower. I went over to one of Tyler's cupboards in hope of finding a towel. Bingo! I grabbed the fluffy white towel and wrapped it around my body.

I then grabbed a spare toothbrush and toothpaste from one of the cabinets and brushed my teeth. 

After I was done, I walked out of the bathroom with damped hair to see Alex and Tyler talking on the bed. When I walked out, their eyes roamed all over my bed and up to my face. I was only wearing a fluffy white towel, a short one.

Tyler licked his lips and came over. When he stopped right in front of me, he shooked his head and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

I giggled and went over to brush my hair. Alex looked at me with amusement in his eyes and whispered in my ears, "You enjoy teasing us don't you?"

I just shrugged and continued brushing my hair. By the time I was done getting ready, both Alex and Tyler were done taking showers.

I saw that both Alex and Tyler were wearing suits.

"Why are you dressing up formally?" I asked curiously.

"We all have to go to a meeting with your father today. At the company. And your father said it was okay of you to join us." Alex replied.

"What? I-Why didn't you tell me sooner? I didn't bring any formal wear." I say surprised.

"We knew. That's why we're dropping you off at your house first." Tyler says while sliding his suit jacket on.

They look so good in suits. When Tyler picked up the tie, Alex went over and grabbed it out of his hands. He pulled it over Tyler's head and tied it for him. They locked eyes for a second and stared at each other with an unknown emotion.

My jaw was literally dropping. Since when did they help dress each other up? When Alex was done with the tie, he looked over at me and smirked at me.

I could see the humor in both of their eyes. 

I gulped and said, "Breakfast then?"


When we got down, Gabriel and Nathan were already gone but Alex said that I would see them at the meeting.

I observed the house to find no evidence of the wild party last night.

"Your cleaners work fast Tyler," I commented amazed.

"I know right. It's almost like magic, no trace of what happened last night." Tyler grinned while he sipped his orange juice.

I rolled my eyes, he should really stop making people clean up his mess.

When we finished breakfast, we all headed over to Tyler's car and drove off to my house. When we arrived to my house, the boys waited in the living room. The house was unusually quiet. One of my maids said that my father and brothers already left for work.

I got changed quickly into a white blouse and a mini skirt and went downstairs. When I got downstairs, the boys, as usual, complained about my skirt but I had no energy to argue with them this early in the morning. When I told them that I would come in only my bra, they finally shut up.

After a long ride, we finally got to my father's company. I stepped out of the car with my heels clicking on the pavement. I looked up to the gigantic 40 story building.

Behold, Vanderbilt Enterprise Holdings.

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