Chapter 9

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I woke up the same way as yesterday. Alex's arms around me. I sighed and lay my body on his.

"Good morning," I say.

"Hey," he replied.

"My family's going to be back today. Meaning this is the only morning we'll spend together." I say.

"I know," Alex replied while kissing my knuckles.

We stayed in bed for about another 15 minutes then showered. After we ate our breakfast, Alex drove me back to my house. There I can see three jet-black cars parked neatly in front of the house. I walked into my house in search of my father and my brothers.

Mr. Duchess, our butler, met me in the living room.

"Miss Vanderbilt, how was your stay with Mr. King?" he smiled.

"It was great! How is your daughter doing Mr. D?" I smiled.

"Pretty good actually, she had her first steps last week!" he replied, beaming.

"Awnn I'm so happy for you. By the way, have you seen my father and brothers?" I asked.

"They're in their study miss," he replied.

I walked upstairs to their many offices that were on the 3rd floor. There were men all over the place. There I see two in particular that were always guarding dad's office.

"Miss." one of them said and then let me in the room.

I see my father sitting at his desk. My brothers were standing in front of him. Arms folded.

"Daddy." I squealed as I hugged him.

"Principessa, I missed you. Did you behave while I was gone?" he asked while hugging me back.

"Of course papi. Hey Tristen. Aiden." I greet them as they both kissed my temple.

"Hey tesoro. Did Alexander treat you well?" asked Aiden.

"Yes," I replied smiling.

"Just so you know princess your uncle is joining us for dinner." the father says while going through his documents.

"Uncle?" I asked confused.

"Yes, uncle Grant," he said.

"Oh okay," I say and walked back to my bedroom.

The clock ticked by and it was dinner all of the sudden. I decided to change into my evening dress paired with some hoop earrings.

When I walked downstairs, I saw another figure on the dining table.

I walked over and sat on one of the empty seats next to Aiden.

"Grant this is Talia. My daughter. She was about 3 when you left." Father says.

"Of course. How could I forget my little Talia? Boy, you've grown into such a gorgeous young lady." Uncle Grant says while winking at me.

I giggled and went back to eating.

"So, Dimitri, that deal with Talbot, It flopped man. I gotta say that man got balls. He keeps outsmarting me." He says to dad.

Dad just puts on his usual face and listened.

"But I think I might know what to do now." Uncle Grant said excitedly.

"And?" Father asked sipping his wine.

"I think we should give him Talia's hand in marriage." He replied beaming.

Let me tell you, I almost choked on my carrot.

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