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"We will always be inseparable, remember that."

Talia Vanderbilt was a breath of innocence and positivity. Sheltered since young, she grew up to be a kind and caring girl. Even at 16 years old, she viewed life through the lenses of naivety. 

Losing her mother at a young age, she was left with her father, Dimitri Vanderbilt, and two older brothers; Tristan who was 20, and Aiden who was 19. 

She was the family jewel and her father's treasure. They swore to protect her from any harm since the passing of their beloved mother, Theresa.

The business that the family did wasn't so innocent as it would seem though. Her father was a well-known businessman of Vanderbilt Enterprises but the business he wanted to shield Talia from was much more complex.

While he was a CEO, on the other hand, he was the head of the Italian Mafia. It was handed down to him by his father and now, it's going to be handed down to Tristan. He married the love of his life Theresa and made a promise to her to protect their little girl.

The job he has and the promise he made, it was ironic really.

The business had been going on for quite some time and there were four business partners involved; The Romano(s), The King(s), The Clemote(s), and The Windsor(s).

The five families' history has been for generations. They were allies and they supported each other.

The heirs of their family's business partners were non-other than Talia's best friends. Alexander King, Nathaniel Romano, Tyler Clemonte, and Gabriel Windsor were intelligent, good-looking, charming, and wealthy. They were the type of boys you would want your daughters to marry.

The boys were groomed to take over their family business and were skillfully trained in combat just like Talia's brothers. 

Since their toddler days, where ever Talia went, the boys followed. They were 5 peas in a pod. They never let anyone hold her and harm her since she was young.

They have come a long way from pacifiers and cribs, they all are now starting their junior year. With the boys 17 and Talia 16, it's going to be one hell of a ride through heartbreak, friendship, love, and family.

Relationships forms and break around Talia. She would have to question everything around her to finally view the world as it is.

Start Date: 28/6/2020
End Date: 23/2/2021

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