Chapter 28

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The room fell into silence and the tension could be broken with a butter knife.

I notice Tristen and Aiden barely trying to not rage out in front of our guests.

"Well, mother...I think it's best we let my daughter figure out who she wants to be with when she gets older. More mature and like I said...older." My dad replied.

"Well, maybe we don't have to wait. I think my son is quite fit for Talia. Don't you think Dimitri?" Mr. King commented.

"Father!" Alex yelled shocked.

"Alexander, don't you see how combining our family with the Vanderbilts is a good thing?" replied Mr. King.

"Excuse me but I am not giving my sister up for just the sake of  business." Tristen snapped.

"Well, Mr. King. My son is quite capable of Talia's hand in the marriage too you know." Mr. Clemonte added.

"Father!" Tyler butts in.

Oh gosh. This dinner is not going well.

"Don't we have to invest in the future of our children?" Mr. Windsor said.

"My son will also be taking over the business soon and Talia is the perfect one for Tyler. She's a sweet girl." Mr. Romano also starts saying.

"Honey, oh for god's sake, leave the poor girl alone." Ms. Romano adds in.

"Mina, I know you always wanted Talia as a daughter. What better way for that than giving Talia Tyler's hand in marriage," explained Mr. Romano.

Then all of a sudden, the whole room started to explode for yelling and shouting.

My brothers looked very pissed and my father looked very disappointed because he didn't want me to marry but at the same time didn't want to diss his long-time friends.

The boys at I looked at each other in panic as the adults started to argue.

I then decided to end this whole quarrel.

"That's enough!" I yelled in order to overcome their loud voices.

They all stopped mid-sentence and stared at me.

"Thank you," I cleared my throat, "With all due respect, I know all of you are just looking out for me and want what is best for me. But, it is still my future and I think it's my right to decide who I want to marry and the boys' choice on who they want to marry too."

Alex then continued, "Yes. I know father, you want me and the business to do good but there are many other ways to do that than marrying your child off. This isn't the Middle Ages anymore."

Mr. King then stared at Alex for a while then relaxed back to his seat.

"Fine then. But you must prove to me that you can make this business bloom twice as much." Mr. King explained.

"Okay deal," Alex replied.

Soon on, the dinner went back on track and there were no more awkward conversations.

Oh grandma, how dare you start that dreadful conversation and be silent throughout it all.

Dinner was later over and the guests made their way other to the door while we walked them out.

"Thank you for coming guys. I hope it wasn't too awkward for you." I sheepishly said.

They all put on their coats before kissing my forehead.

"Nah it's fine. We knew something like that would happen sooner or later." Alex replied.

"Wait what? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well if I'm being honest, this isn't the first time we have had a discussion about this subject," Tyler said.

"Our parents think the faster we settle down the better," Gabriel explained.

"And of course, their first choice if you because you fit in their every category. Not to mention how long we're all known each other." Nathan added.

"Uhh, I think my family will beg to differ." I laughed.

"Of course. And that's a good thing. They should be protecting you till you're old enough to make that choice."

"Anyways, see you at the Winter Formal Tal. Dazzle us with your outfit!" Tyler winked.

I chuckled as they left the house.

When all of the guests were out, I saw Grandma sipping her tea on the couch while smirking at me.

"Grandma! Why did you do that!" I yelled.

"Oh come on Talia. That question was needed to be asked. And it is still left unanswered because you guys avoided it today." She replied.

I put my face in my hands and went and sat next to her.

"You fancy them don't you?" She asked softly.

I looked up at her and shrugged.

"Well, sooner or later you will know my dear girl."


Today I was feeling productive. Fresh and awake even.

Usually, mornings were not my charm. I either want to nap after I slept again or stay in my room till evening.

When I showered and did my skincare, I skipped downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good Morning Miss Vanderbilt!" said the maids.

"Good morning!"

I decided to dig out ingredients from the pantry and make breakfast.

After about 10 minutes, the table was filled with pancakes, bacon, waffles, and eggs.

"Talia's cooking? I think pigs are about to fly!" Aiden says as he came down the stairs.

"Aiden!" I pouted as I poured in my milk.

"Haha, I'm just kidding Farfalla," Aiden says as he kissed my head.

As he sat down, Tristan came in with my father.

"Oh?" Tristen says surprised.

"Tristen! I'm just cooked, it's not like I grew 2 heads." I whined.

My father and brothers laughed as they too sat down.

Breakfast continued with small talk and then devouring all the food.

"Hi dad, can I go to the mall today?" I said.

"Sure. Take your bodyguards." My father replied his eyes focused on some document.

"Where are they anyway?" I asked.

"They're taking care of Ja-" Aiden was cut off by Tristan.

"They had some issue to handle. They'll be back by your side by this evening."

I furrowed my eyebrows but continued to eat.

I spent the rest of my day lounging around the house and eating junk food.

When I walked downstairs, I spotted my bodyguards in the living room.

"Hey, guys. I want to go to the mall." I said.

My eyes widened when I saw cuts on their faces.

I ran over to them and inspected it.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" I exclaimed.

"It's nothing, Miss."

"No, it's nothing. Have you ever looked at your faces?"

"Miss it's okay. We're fine. We'll get the car ready."

With that, they left me standing there confused.

After a while of not getting an answer from them, I finally gave up and went into the boutique.

I decided to buy a small tiara.

As we were walking out of the store, I heard someone yell at me.

I gasped and dropped my bags at the sight in front of me.

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