Chapter 38

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Someone once said, "Great things never came from your comfort zone".

My polished black shoes were shining brightly on top of the marble tiles. Not a speck of dirt could be seen on the floor of the huge airport.

The air was cool around me and the place was quiet as it was a private hall for first-class passengers only. Surrounding me were men in dark suits who probably were sent by my father. They all had earpieces and stoic facial expressions.

I was sat at a nearby bench next to the boarding gate. There was a pretty lady in front of the desk who gave me small smiles once every now and then.

Two weeks have passed since my decision to go to Paris.

My father has insisted on taking me to Paris with his private jet but I had wholeheartedly refused. If he was the one who suggested that I leave, he might as well let me off to explore on my own. His annoyance was not avoided but he agreed at the end.

There was a catch of course. There was always a catch with him.

He made me promise to take 10 of his men with me to the airport till I boarded the plane. Can you imagine? Ten!

After some defiance and a heated argument, I agreed. Thus why I am seated in the middle of ten men who looked like they were ready to kill off anyone within the ten-meter radius.

I saw shoes walking towards me and I looked up. My father and brothers were finally here. They said they needed to go to Italy for some business so they would follow us to the airport too. I totally did not believe that but I let it pass thinking they just wanted an excuse to say goodbye to me.

"Little sister." Tristen acknowledged me.

I hopped over and hugged both Tristen and Aiden.

"Oof, I can't breathe." Aiden winced in fake pain.

I pulled back and took a good look at both of them. My brothers, my other halves who I can't imagine life without. They were always there to defend me and protect me. No matter how much they annoy me and pull out barbaric moves, I would always love them. They are my brothers after all.

"I want you to behave there in Paris. Don't cause a lot of trouble since we're not going to be there to supervise you. Especially, no boys! If you come back with a French boy in your arms, you know what will happen to him." Tristen warns.

He looked over at Aiden who lifted his coat to show me a sliver pistol.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. My lord, I pray for whoever decides to come back in my arms.

My father was next. He was silently standing behind me which was not common for a man like him. I turned around me saw him looking kind of upset.


"Talia, I want you to know I would always love you. I didn't send you away because I don't. I did it for your protection. You know that don't you sweetheart?" My father cut me off.

I immediately embraced him.

"Of course I do. I know that you just want what's best for me. I promise to make you proud when I came back.

"Oh, my sweet girl. I know you will."

After we pulled back, I saw four familiar figures standing. Alex, Tyler, Nathan, and Gabriel all looked ravishing in their usual designer clothing and shades.

We've been in a cold relationship since my decision. They haven't been talking much but I know it's because they're still going through shock. I don't blame them. If a person who has always been with you since you came out of you're mom's womb suddenly decides to leave, anyone would be shocked.

To be honest, I didn't expect them to show up. Oh well, since they're here, I know they're not mad at me.

I slowly made my way over to them and stared. We had a staring contest, oh how childish. But we had. They didn't back down and neither did I. After what felt like minutes, Tyler was first to break and hugged me so hard. Just like that, one by one, the boys broke their emotionless facades and had a group hug. I didn't know how much I needed this.

"Talia, why are you leaving us? If it's because of me, I am very sorry, I promise to make you happy. Please don't go." Alex whispered.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Alex, you did nothing wrong. None of you did. I wanted to go because I know I need this. I need this to be more independent and take on the world. I can't always act like a little girl forever." I explained.

"But why must you leave us. Can't you bring us with you?" Gabriel questions.

"I need to leave you guys because I would need more people in my life like you guys," I added.

"You don't need anyone else, Talia. Aren't we enough?" Nathan asked.

"You guys are my world but you need to understand my world should include others too," I explained.

Alex then pulled out what looked like a ring. It was a very small and simple one. In the middle, it has a "4+1" carved onto it.

"It was a birthday present from all of us to you. Here," Alex said.

He held my hand in his and slowly put the ring on my ring finger.

"It resembles our bond. If you come back-if you decide to come back, wear this and we'll know you still care about us."

I hugged them one last time and whispered in their ears, "I'll never take it off."

"Passengers for flight 612, please go to gate A. The plane will take off shortly"

It was my cue to leave. I took one last glance at the beautiful people I was going to leave behind. As I turned around, someone gripped my forearm and whispered in my ears.

"We will always be inseparable, remember that"

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