Chapter 3

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The boys took me to a fancy looking cafe just outside of the school compound. The place was quiet and cozy, just what I needed after the situation I just witnessed.

We ordered our food and sat down.

"I swear to god the boys at the school never leave Talia alone. Even after we threaten them everyday. They still come back. The balls they have. Fanculo!" shouted Alex.

"Hey.. it's okay. I'm fine aren't I?" I tried to calm Alex down by caressing his arm.

He huffed and looked away.

"Quite a number you did on that boy there Gabriel. I'm impressed." joked Tyler trying to lighten the mood.

"He deserved it. He should know not to mess with you," replied Gabriel.

The whole possession thing is making me feel all types of way. I shouldn't be surprised. They made a claim on me since I was a toddler.

Finally, our food arrived. It smelled amazing. Sure beats caviar. We ate our food while making jokes once in a while. Alex finally calmed down and Gabriel was now smirking.
After we paid I got into Nathan's car much to Alex's liking.

I got to sit in the passenger side while Nathan takes the driver's seat. He starts an engine and skillfully starts driving the car.

We were sitting in comfortable silence when Nathan unconsciously puts his hand on my lap. He has his other hand on the steering wheel and eyes on the road.

His hands felt so cool on my skin and I felt like the car was getting hotter by the second. I looked over at him and saw him staring at me.

His lips tug up and looked at me in amusement. Daring me to lift his handoff. I don't.

I quickly opened my eyes. I forgot I was even closing them. My cheeks got bright red. He really should keep his eyes on the road. I wasn't really into throwing myself into the arms of death.

"We're here," said Nathan in a cool tone.

He got out of the car and came around to open the door for me. He leaned into the car and unbuckled my seatbelt. While holding my seatbelt, he stared into my eyes and held eye contact. I sucked in a breath and put my hand on top of his. After what it seemed like a long time, the click of the seatbelt indicated that I was unbuckled. He held out his hand and helped me out. 

After that weird event in the car, Nathan dropped me off at class and walked to his own. We were 15 minutes late but I didn't care. What happened in the car was clouding my mind.

After what felt like an eternity, the school finally ended. I got a text from Aiden.

Tristen is busy today. I'm picking you up. I'm outside your school now.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books and bag.

I then felt a breath on my neck and panicked when I thought it was Brad again. A familiar scent hits me and I relaxed.

I turned around to find Alex smirking at me. "Do you need a ride, Talia?"

"Not today. Aiden is picking me up." I replied.

"I see. I'm going to pick you up for school tomorrow too. Don't sleep in." he said while kissing my temple.

He then slowly leans in and whispered in my ear, "I know what happened with you and Nathan."

With that, he walked away.

At the entrance of my school, Aiden was waiting while leaning against his car. He was wearing a suit while constantly glancing at his sliver watch on this hand. He probably got out of work and came here straight away.

"Hey Aiden," I gave him a peck on the cheek and got in the car. 

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