Chapter 35

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My body went still and suddenly, it was cold and freezing in the room. The scrutinizing gazes of the men in the room made me immediately sick. The pounding in my head wasn't helping too. I could feel the tightness of the ropes against my skin as I twisted them to see if they would budge.

"What does my father have to do with any of this," I asked.

"Well my dear Talia," he smirked as he took a sip of his whiskey, "Your old man and I have known each other for a while now. Imagine my shock when I found out that my son has bumped into you."

"Y-your son?"

"Yes exactly. Meet Patrick."

The same guy I kicked stepped out of the darkness and grinned at me with a malicious look in his eyes. I wanted to vomit as he looked at me from up to down and licked his lips. I felt violated with just his look.

"As a reward for his..well..findings, I have decided to give your hand in marriage after I destroy your father," he stated.

"What?" I felt nauseous, "No-no way. My father would never agree to this."

"Oh? Of course not. Why would he give away his precious baby daughter? Lucky for us, with you here, we can demand anything from him. Who knows, even his life for his beautiful baby girl."

"My brothers won't stand for this and so the boys won't too," I argued.

"Of course my dear. The King boy and the rest of them. Who were they? Clemontes and the Romanos? Oh please, as if they would ever risk losing you."


"Yes, you see my dear child. I've noticed how close the boys and you have become during the years. Couldn't even see you without one of them next to you. Those little bastards are quite possessive too. Especially when it comes to you. Don't even get me started on your brothers," he took another sip, "But you see, we can ask them for anything with you sitting here like this.

This was not happening. I looked around the room to find an exit but every one of them is guarded.

"Please. Please, I will do anything. Just don't make him give away his life," at this point I had tears in my eyes. 

My father didn't deserve to die for my carelessness. He had already lost mum and had gone through so much. I made my own choice to walk into an abandoned park and I should pay for my own mistakes. No one should suffer for this, especially not my father.

"I should be the one responsible for my own actions," I begged.

"We could kill you, but where's the fun in that? Plus, you're a pretty little thing. Perfect for my son. Isn't that right Patrick?" he looked over at his son who was staring at me.

Patrick came slowly to me with an evil grin on his face. He raised his hands and touched my cheeks. I tried to turn away but he grabbed my face roughly. I let out a whimper.

"Yes, pretty indeed. Dimitri raised a perfect little angel. So innocent and untouched. We're going to have so much fun."

I wish the boys were here to get me out of this situation but I know that there is no one to depend on but me. I should stay strong, if not for me then for my family. I felt so guilty for putting them in this position.

"Your father has destroyed my family so I'm going to do that back to him by destroying the one thing he loves most," he stood up and walked to me.

Finally, they all stood up and made their way out. I spotted them most of them had guns and looked like they were ready to kill. There were a lot of them, they had tattoos and everything.

"We will be back to check on you soon. You better not try anything funny." Patrick yelled out.

There were so many things that ran inside my head. Many thoughts, many scenarios. All of them were useless to get me out of this mess.

Then, a certain thought came up in my head, quite a hopeful one too. My phone, I remember carrying it with me during the walk. All I had to do now was to check if they took it out or not.

First, I looked around the room to see if they installed any cameras. Phone or not, if they caught me, I'm screwed. Luckily, there was none of the insight. For a bunch of revengeful people, they clearly didn't think this through.

I wiggled around trying to get the phone in my jean pocket. I panicked when it almost dropped to the ground but I was lucky enough to grab it with my feet before it landed. Getting the phone from my feet to the hands at the back was tough, I admit. Don't even ask how I did it, but I got it.

Here's a time when I really love myself and realize how lucky I am. I used to love to annoy Alex all the time and decided to put his phone on speed dial so I could annoy him faster. Boy am I glad that I did that. I quickly clicked his name and waited for it to connect.

The time it took to call was agonizing, I'm dead if he decides to not pick up. Who knows, he might be mad at me and decided to ignore me. That would not be good, he was my last hope.

All of a sudden, I hear that same voice that helped me when I got my first period, treated me when I got sick just before my birthday, and comforted me when I had a fight with my brothers. The voice when combined with the other three, completes me and fills me up. The waterworks began again.

"Talia! Where the fuck are you!"

"Alex, please help me, I-"



What can I say? I was in a good mood?
Here you go, I wrote a chapter instead of doing my essays. You guys better not be fussing at me now, haha. Your welcome.


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