Chapter 30

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The room was buzzing with conversation and the stereos on the top of the ceilings blasted songs.

I grabbed a drink on the way as I walked gracefully over to the four brooding biscuits.

"Wow they replaced the tiles, I didn't even notice." I tried to lighten up the mood.

"Oh don't start it, Talia. You ignored us for the whole day!" Gabriel snapped.

"I wasn't ignoring you, it's just- It slipped my mind," I said looking down.

"It slipped your- gosh Talia. We were worried sick. What were you thinking? We thought the worst when you didn't reply to us." Alex pulled the ends of his brown locks.

We stared at each other for a minute. 

He finally sighed and said, "Look, I'm sorry, I was just really worried." 

"Well, I'm here now aren't I? Come on, stop brooding. Let's dance!" I beamed and pulled them to the dance floor.

In the end, I could persuade Tyler and Nathan to dance with me but Alex and Gabriel stood at the side, sipping and talking about god know what.

I twirled around and around and danced as I pleased for the rest of the night. I've had a bad day and it's good to get my mind off things.

After six songs, I lost count and the boys had stopped dancing with me too.

"Talia, come on, get a drink first. You're going to pass out." Nathan called out.

I ran over to them giggling as Tyler handed me a drink. I gulped it all down in one go and went for the dance floor again but a hand on my arm stopped me.

Alex pulled me back and said, "Talia, I don't think facing your brothers' wrath after you faint of exhaustion is in either one of agendas for tonight."

I pouted and reached for another drink.

"Look who's brooding now. Don't you want to see the best part? The snowflakes." Tyler grinned.

As I opened my mouth to say something, the whole room lit up in blue light and snowflakes started to fall down.

The sight was almost magical. Flakes after fakes descended down swiftly and gracefully. The lovely white pieces of paper in the dimly lit room looked like a sea of stars in the night.

I opened my palm to catch one that was flowing down at a slow speed. The snowflakes were decorated with glitter and sparkles.

I remember walking into the student council room to volunteer to help make the snowflakes instead of going to the gym. Now it was worth it as the view in front of me was mystical.

I felt the presence of the boys behind me and smiled. This is what school really was about. Spending time with people you love and cherish the time.


The next day at school was a little sad than the other days. This was the last day of school until winter break.

The wind outside was getting a little chilly so I pulled up the sleeves of my puffy mini jacket.

The sound of the black boots I wore today was heard as I make my way to my locker. I decided to not bring my books to class today because I knew that the teachers won't teach us anything today. Probably just sit and talk with the students.

Our school is known for its outstanding education system and I'm not complaining. The teachers give us enough work to challenge us but never to overwhelm us.

I walked into the classroom and saw just what I expected. A big "It's Winter Break! Any plans?" was written on the whiteboard.

I took my seat and the boys came in later.

"Good morning Talia." Alex greeted.

"My father just dropped the bomb on me that we're going to Paris for Winter Break. My mom has some business with the fashion company that she has to deal with." Tyler announced.

"I have to go to London," Nathan added.

"And my father wants me in Italy this year," Gabriel said while leaning back on his chair.

"I'm staying here. My father wants me more focused on the company," said Alex.

"What about you Talia. Do you know where you're going this year?" Tyler asked.

"Not yet. I've been meaning to ask my family about that but couldn't catch them." I shrugged.

Our teacher walked into the class with a smile on his face. He really was the cheeriest teacher in this entire building. He lives with his cats and brings doughnuts for us when he can.

He knew that all of us were wealthy but craves the humblest interactions.

"Good news guys. I'm going to Russia!" He beamed.

Someone yelled out, "You're going to freeze up there!"

"It's not all about the temperature students. It's about spirit," He explained, "Now, are you going to tell me where you're going or what?"

And with a bell signifying the end of last period, the school has finally closed for Winter.

I grabbed the stuff I wanted to take home from my lockers and stuffed them all into my school bag.

"Talia!" I heard a voice call me from behind.

"Are you free today?" It was Tyler.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked.

"Since we're not going to see each other for an entire month, we're planning to go ice skating. Are you up for it?" Tyler smirked.

"Did you even really need to ask? Yes!" I beamed.

"Come now. I'll drop you home so that you can change. I've talked to Drake already and since he's dealing with Jackson, he agreed." Tyler added.

We walked out of the school building to his parked car. Always a gentleman, he opened the door for me and I slipped inside.

When I got to my house, I quickly changed out of my uniform into some comfortable black leggings and a sweatshirt.

I waited for Tyler's car to come and we drove off to the ice skating rink.

I spotted the other boy's cars in the parking lot meaning they were here already.

When we grabbed our skating shoes, we met with the other three in the ice rink.

They were unknowingly showing off their skills, making girls on the other side swoon.

They used to play hockey but had to quit when they were asked to manage some of their company. I used to go to all of their games.

I skated my way over to them and surprise attack them.

"Hey, Talia!" Nathan hugged me.

"Let's have some fun today. Boy am I glad there are no more assignments." Tyler faked his desperation.

"Let's race!" Alex suggested.

"What do you say, Talia?" Gabriel smirked.

I know they had hours of practice but I wasn't going to give up. I had my female ego to uphold.

"Bring it on!"


I thank you all for your patience! I hope you like it. 😊

Laura 🪐✨

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