Chapter 1

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The sun streamed in my room and I groaned out loud. Today was the first day of junior year. I got out of bed and took a shower. I put on my uniform and walked downstairs. Since we went to a private school, we had to wear uniforms. White blouse, pleated uniform skirt, and a blue blazer.

The first thing I were my brothers walking around the house without a top. They never once did care about a girl living in their houses. None of them did. Their friends are so comfortable around me too.

"Talia, Alex, and Tyler are picking you up. Aiden and I have.... business to attend to" said Tristen while pouring his black coffee.

"This early?" I asked.

"Yes, it's urgent," replied Tristen.

"Okay well, you'll be back before dinner right?" I asked.

"Of course, Principessa," said Tristen and walked over to kiss my head.

As I walked over to grab some pancakes, I heard loud footsteps on the staircase.

"I asked you three days ago didn't I?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, why isn't it done yet!"

"I'm sorry sir but he wouldn't cooperate without a face-to-face conversation."

"Figlio di puttana!"

"Good morning dad" I beamed.

My father and my brother plus a few of his men were walking into the dining room.

"Good morning mia farfalla." my dad replies while kissing my temple.

"Morning Talia," said Aiden.

My father's men bowed their heads and then went out of the room. We ate our breakfast in silence.

Suddenly, I heard a honk in front of my house. The front doors opened and there walked in my two friends. They were in their uniform that looked fresh and crisp.

" Good morning Mr. Vanderbilt. Tristen, Aiden." greeted Alex. 

My family gave them nods as they continued on eating.

" Morning Tal. You ready?" asked Tyler.

"Yup" I replied while finishing my orange juice.

We walked out of the house and into Alex's Porsche.

I sat in the back while the two sat at the front. I put my book bag on top of theirs and got comfortable. Alex brushed a hand into his beautiful brown locks before starting the engine and zooming into the car road.

Alex was a brunette like me while Tyler was a blond. Nathan has a dirty blond hair color while Gabriel has a jet black hair. All so pretty and soft that I loved running my hand through them since we were kids.

Tyler opened the music and put on his shades. I roll my eyes as he did it. It wasn't even that sunny. 

The whole school worshiped my friends. It was a bit overrated really. Getting death glares from girls and boys wasn't really on my agenda. 

"Talia, Nathan, and I want to host a welcome back party. Maybe this Thursday or Friday. What do you think? I need to let loose once in a while you know." smirked Tyler.

I pursed my lips and said, "Whenever you throw parties, they never end up well. You either get the whole school hungover or get your dad really pissed that he starts getting all mafia boss on people ."

"That's the point Tal. You need a little excitement once in a while. The thrill of danger you know." grinned Tyler.

"You're not putting my Talia into any danger. I'll skin you alive before killing you asshole. If her brothers aren't doing it first." said Alex annoyed.

"Oh, all right Alexander. Way to ruin my fun. Anyways, I don't want to experience Tristen's wrath." mumbled Tyler.

We pulled over to the school campus and walked out. Immediately the chilly weather hits my skin and I shivered. I pulled up my blazer higher while a black Audi pulls up.

Nathan and Gabriel came out of their cars in all their glories.

"Good morning Talia. How did riding with Alex and Tyler been for you this morning? Any regrets about not making me pick you up?" teased Nathan.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "Not that it'll make any difference riding with you."

"Gabriel you had fun riding with me right?" said Nathan.

"Shut up with all your whining asshole. It's too early for that shit." replied Gabriel with a bored tone.

We all laughed at Gabriel's reply and Nathan put his arms around my shoulders as we walked into school.

The boys were considered princes in this school because of their wealth and good looks. People referred to me as their princess because of how I always hung out with the princes.

We were all halfway to our first period as we all heard the annoying screech of Kaitlyn Davis. Since her daddy is a little richer than the rest of the people here, she thinks was better than everyone.

Her passive-aggressiveness to me never went unnoticed. I couldn't stand her. She never liked me since she thought I was always seeking attention

"Hey boys. How's summer?" asked Kaitlyn in her screechy voice. We all didn't reply and continued walking. 

That's when Tyler steps in and said, "It was great Kaityln. What about you? It was actually kind of a vacation from your presence." grinned Tyler. We all smiled in amusement as Kaityln's face got red and she stormed off. 

She walked over to her group of friends and gave me the side-eye. What did I ever do to her? She never dared to look at the boys like that. Must be the jealously.

Eventually, we walked into our classes and settle down.

 I took out my notebook and wrote, "September 1" and underlined it. 

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