Chapter 18

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When we got inside Nathan's house, I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. When we got to the kitchen, the boys were, as usual, wrestling with each other. I heard Alex cough behind me and they all stilled and separated.

"Finally, you're here. I was thinking you ditched us." Tyler says.

"Alex, you want whisky?" Nathan asked.

"Sure," Alex replied.

"I would like one too." I piped in.

"Young lady did you not remember what happened in the morning? No alcohol for you." Alex scolded.

Everyone laughed out loud except me. Nathan gave Alex whisky while throwing me a can of soda not before winking at me.

Nathan grabbed my hand and took me upstairs. He opened his bedroom door and I was faced with his California king-sized bed. I ran and jumped on the bed. Then lied down on my front. I got a whiff of Nathan's scent and I sighed.

My bliss was short-lived when someone dragged me from the bed using my ankles. How rude. 

When I got on the floor, the person used my waist to carry me on the chair and held my shoulders so that I wouldn't move.

I turned around to look at my captor, Gabriel classic. Alex then dropped the calculus book in front of me making me groan.

"Let's continue where we left off shall we?" He says.

The evening was spent by all of us trying to finish our homework. Alex finished first of course. He could even become valedictorian if he wanted to. After he helped tutor all of us, we all decided to lay down together on Nathan's extremely large bed.

I was between Alex and Nathan while the other two were on the other side of them. We were all cuddling each other and were at peace. Being in the center of them all gave me a sense of protection and safety. Like I knew no one would hurt me as long as they were here.

Nathan caressed my cheeks while Alex stroked my hair. We stayed that way for a while till a knock was heard on the door.

"Who is it?" Nathan yelled out.

"Sir, dinner is ready." One of the maids say.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," Nathan replied.

"Princess, are you staying for dinner?" Nathan asked.

I looked at the clock and it said 7 o'clock. It was already late so I might as well have dinner.

"Okay, but I'll have to tell my brothers that," I say.

"Don't worry, I'll inform them," Alex says while taking out his phone.

After calling my brothers about dinner, we all went down to the dining room. Nathan's mom was there as well as his father.

"Sweetheart, I'm so glad you could join us tonight. I missed seeing you around. I bet you have Nathan wrapped up around your little finger." Ms. Romano says while hugging me.

"I missed you too Ms. Romano," I replied smiling.

Nathan's mother was such a sweet women. 

"Well, have a seat. Dinner's ready." Mr. Romano says.

We all sat down and ate our dinner. Nathan kept caressing my knee from under the table and it was so distracting that I had to swat his hand away. He frowned at me but didn't continue it.

When we all finished our dinner, Ms. Romano insisted that I stayed longer and talk but I politely refused because my father would not be happy if I came home late.

Since Alex and I were young, Ms. Romano was like our second mom because we both lost our mothers at a very young age. She took in the role of being our mom and always took care of us.

When I was young, I used to cry to sleep at night because of my mother and Alex would always comfort me even though he himself didn't have one. He was truly a strong boy and I always admired him for that. I couldn't imagine life without him, or the boys.

They make me whole.

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