Chapter 2

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Lunch was the busiest part of the day. Students filled in the hallways eager to get to the cafeteria. I was meeting up with the boys in the cafeteria since I had the last period alone.

As I walked into the room my eyes immediately wandered off to find the boys. They were nowhere to be seen. Oh well, guess I'm getting lunch alone. I stood in line to get my food. Unlike other schools, our food is basically the best of the best. Gourmet to be exact. These rich parents never rest. Today was caviar. Classic. I took my food to our usual table and sat down. After 10 minutes, the boys are still no show. I genuinely was starting to get worried.

Suddenly I felt a hand touch me. "Hey, Talia. You're looking fine today."

I turned around and saw Brad with his group of cronies.

"What do you say? Let's go somewhere private. Maybe under the bleachers?" grinned Brad. The rest of his friends were smirking.

"No thanks. Unlike you, I actually want to enjoy my lunch." I replied.

"Awn don't be like that Talia. I know you want me. You were so desperate last year at the party." Brad pressed on.

"I was drunk. You do not get to say that. I'm serious go away, Brad."

"Come on" Brad continued to touch me.

"Stop it!"


"Let go of me!"

I was in the middle of trying to pry his fingers off me when he suddenly got yanked out. Gabriel was on him in less than a second. He was beating him up to a pulp.

"Come here Talia." said Alex as he pulls me to him.

He checks my face and body for any injuries but when he finds none, he nods his head and gave me to Nathan.

Alex walks slowly to where Gabriel was almost killing Brad and finally said, "That's enough."

Only then does Gabriel stop. He drops Brad's limp body down and walked over to me. He cupped my face and looks into my eyes then crossed his arms and stood next to Alex.

Alex walked slowly in circles around Brad's body on the floor. He then picks him up by his collar.

"When a girl says no, it's no. Just because we weren't here, it doesn't mean you can put your filthy hands on Talia. I better not see you doing this again or I will end you. And it's not a threat, it's a promise." said Alex in a low tone. Calm but deadly.

He then goes back to a relaxed posture and walked over to us. He grabbed my hands and walked away. The boys trailed behind us.

"Come on principessa. You missed your lunch because of that dumbfuck. We're taking you out for lunch" said Alex.

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