Chapter 32

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People say time goes by when you're having fun. What nobody tells you is even though you're having fun, some things don't feel right because you don't have people you love around you.

My winter break was what you would expect, fantastic. I got to spend a lot of time with my family and we traveled around a lot. My father, however, always carried around his work on his phone.

I didn't mind cause at least he paid attention to us.

I kept in contact with the boys and always text them and shared photos of my travels.

I heard Alex and Gabriel were getting more into their works. Their fathers had given them 10% of their companies to get started.

I waited for the flight to land by staring out into the dark sky.

It was peaceful because everyone was tired of making a conversation.

Aiden was asleep while Tristen was with dad. Since I slept for six hours straight,  I was full of energy and ready to go back home.

After seeing the lights flash underneath and an outline of the airport flash into the picture, I was relieved and content.

After we gathered our stuff and got off the plane, a sleek black car was waiting for us.

My eyes lit up as I saw my bodyguards.

"Drake! Jackson!" I ran and hugged them, "I've missed you!"

I pulled back and smiled at them. Their bodies were stiff and they gave me a small nod.

Hm, meanies. I knew they were just behaving like this because my father was here. If we had been alone, they would've been so much warmer.

The drive to my house was short and I was in front of my house before I even knew it.

Hotels are fun and all but nothing feels better than home sweet home.

My family went straight to their rooms when they got home but I was feeling excited tonight and I wanted to do something before getting exposed to the pressures of school.

I decided to ask Tyler where he was.

Talia: Hey Ty, are you back? Where are you?

Tyler: Yeah I got back yesterday. I'm at my house. Nathan is with me.

Talia: Yay how fun. I'll be there right away.

Tyler: Talia, it's 12 in the morning. Aren't you jet-lagged?

Talia: Nope. I'm coming over.

I changed into some comfy shorts and slipped on a hoodie. The house was quiet and I could only hear the footsteps of my bodyguards.

"Can you take me to Tyler's?" I asked them.

"Talia we're your bodyguards, not your chauffeurs." Jackson detests.

"Oh come on. Please? I really have nothing to do cause I slept the whole way back here." I whined.

"Well, I guess so. I mean since it's Tyler's house." Drake shrugged.

"You guys don't have to wait for me there. You can sleep. I'm sure you guys are pretty tired." I walked over to the car.

"You're planning to sleep there?" Jackson frowned.

"Uhh maybe?" I smiled sheepishly.

"You have school tomorrow, Talia." Drake scolded.

"You're right. Well, I promise I'll be back in like 2 hours." I gave a puppy dog eyes.

"Alright." Drake starts the engine.

I quickly got to Tyler's house and his security guard opened the gates. He told me that both Tyler and Nathan were in their rooms. My bodyguards lounged in the living room while I went up the stairs.

I could hear voices coming from his room as I walked in.

Nathan was in grey sweatpants and Tyler was in black sweatpants. While Nathan seemed to be doing something on this laptop, Tyler was laying on his bed talking to him.

Both eyes whipped around when I walked in. Instantly, I was lunged on and dropped on the bed.

I squealed and closed my eyes as my back connected with the soft bedsheets.

"Talia! Gosh, I've missed your presence." Tyler breathed in.

Nathan walked over and hugged me from behind. I was basically sandwiched between the two.

"Hey Tal," Nathan mumbled while his face was in my hair.

"What are you doing over there?" I asked Nathan eyeing his laptop.

"Just some stocks stuff for the business. Tyler is giving me ideas." Nathan pulled back.

I tried not to laugh.

"Tyler? Give you ideas?" I joked, "Are you sure you're not trying to bankrupt your company?"

"Hey! That was mean Talia. I may not be Alex or Gabriel and like to have fun but I do know not to mix business with pleasure." Tyler argued.

"Alright, alright." I raised my hands to show defeat.

I walked over to the room and smirked when I saw a deck of Unos.

"Hey, guys...guess what I found?" I held up the cards.

"What? You can't possibly want to-" Tyler started.

"Uh-huh." I grinned.

"Come on Talia. We're too old to be playing Unos. We're about to become men and we should play poker." Nathan argued.

"Oh shut it, you guys can be men some other day," I sat crisscrossed on his carpet, " Now come sit down."

They both groaned but sat down with me. I passed out the cards and started the game.

Our night was filled with yelling out UNO and drinking whatever I found in Tyler's fridge.

By the time we got tired, it nearly was 2 am in morning.

We heard a knock and Tyler went over to open the door.

Jackson and Drake were on the other side with folded arms.

"Talia, you should go home now. Your father might be worried," said Drake.

"Okay then." I stood up and did a stretch.

I kissed Nathan and Tyler goodnight and went home with Drake and Jackson.

I yawned on the way up to my room and completely passed out when I got to my bed.

Well, so much for starting fresh on the day back to school. Now I'm sure I'll feel like I just ran a marathon tomorrow morning. Oh well.

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