Chapter 10

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"What?!" both Tristen and Aiden yelled in surprise.

"Well, it could benefit all of us. It could combine 2 powerful families together, expand our assets plus Talia can get a wonderful husband," explained Uncle Grant.

"You're telling me you want to marry off my 16-year-old sister to a guy twice her age!" yelled Aiden.

"Well, it's not twice her age. Talbot's 27. I think." he replied.

"She's 16. Barely a teen! Not even an adult yet! You're telling me you're going to marry her off to some guy just for the money? You're delusional!" shouted Tristen.

Dad didn't say anything. He just sat and observed the situation.

Uncle Grant pursed his lips and opened his mouth to reply but got cut off by my father.

"Grant. This is the last time I'm ever going to tell you this. Solve. Your. Own. Shit. Just because you couldn't seal a deal, doesn't mean you can drag my daughter in it."

Everyone started yelling and arguing but I was too exhausted to argue. I just blocked them out and took out my phone. I texted the boys asking one of them to pick me up. I needed some fresh air.

Talia-hey guys anyone free to pick me up? I need to get out of here.

Gabriel-I'll come get you. I'm near your house.

Talia-Okay see you soon.

I sat in silence as I watched the conversation unfold in front of me. I was put out of my trance when I heard a car honk in front of our house.

I got up quietly making sure I don't put too much attention onto myself and walked to the front door.

There I saw Gabriel's sliver Audi and I opened the door of the passenger side and sat down. I didn't say anything and stared ahead. I could feel Gabriel's scrutinizing gaze on me. I knew he wanted to ask what happened so I answered it for him.

"Uncle Grant is back. He said that he wanted to marry off to one of his business partners. A guy who's 27 years old." I say.

"What did your father say?" Gabriel asked.

"He said no. My brothers just no too. Now they're in there having an argument about it. I don't want them marrying me off like some bargaining chip. This isn't the Middle Ages." I sighed.

Gabriel didn't say anything. He brought his hand up to my face and brushed my hair out of my face with his fingers.

"Talia, do you I would let that happen? Do you think Alex, Nathan, and Tyler will let that happen to you? You know how much you mean to us, baby girl." Gabriel says with his hand touching my jawline.

I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. I sighed in content.

"Hey, do you want to clear your mind? I know a place." Gabriel says.

"Sure. Let's go." I say.

He started the engine and drove off into the night. As he kept driving, he put his hand on his knee. We drove to the place with his hand on my knee and pop music calmly playing in the background. It was a comfortable silence.

"We're here," Gabriel says and got out. I opened the door and got out too.

Gabriel went to the back trunk and opened it. He pulled out a wine bottle and 2 champagne glasses.

"You always have those in there?" I chuckled.

He smirked and shrugged at me. He brought me to a hillside with a pretty sick view.

"I come here if I want to clear my mind and think or just get away from people. It used to be where I first held a gun." He says.

We sat on top of his car trunk and popped open the wine. He poured it in each of the champagne glasses and handed one to me.

"Do you remember the first time we talked? All of us I mean." He says.

"Yeah. Normal kids find friends in kindergarten but us. No, we had to meet in a gunfire." I laughed.

We were all together since we were toddlers. Fed together and cared for together. Although we were together we didn't talk or even liked each other.

The first time we ever talked was during people shooting at us and wanting to kidnap us. I was 3 and they were 4. Our parents told us to hide and stay there till they come back. I was literally shitting my pants and bawling my eyes out.

Alex was the one who wasn't that scared and told us what to do. At desperate measures, we were all forced to talk to each other. They calmed me down and told me soothing words. Alex let me hug him and stay in the embrace of the others too.

We stayed like that for hours. All over each other till finally, someone came back for us.

"What happened to your hand?" My eyes fixed on a bruise on his hand. 

"Nothing." He tried to hide it.

"No, it's nothing, here, let me see," I grabbed his hand from him.

It looked like it had been stabbed by a knife. It was starting to heal but still wasn't in good condition.

"Are you fighting again?" I asked.

He didn't respond, which gave me all the answers I needed. I huffed and jumped off the car to go to the other side. He followed me right after. 

"Talia, do you remember what we said to you that time? Our promise?" Gabriel asked.

"That you would protect always and never let anything bad happen to me?" I replied.

"Yes and remember that. We're not going to let you out of our sights. You're one of us and that promise we made to you is not just a promise, it's an oath. Remember that, we'll always take care of you."

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