Thank You

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Here! Take this banana -> 🍌
(Eat it while you read this)

Ahem, I don't know how to write this part cause this is the part I usually skip in stories. Sorry not sorry authors.

Hey you! Yeah you! Thank you for even clicking this book. This took me a while, not going to lie, haha.

Thank you so much for making this book more than a little essay in my phone. 

This might not be the ending you have imagined but guess what? I've been writing to this ending all along. Not because I wanted to piss you off, it's because I wanted to write a second book. I'm not spoiling.

Rest assured that the story of Talia and the boys will not end here.

A lot of weird things have happened while writing this book; Covid and a military coup in my country. Talk about events!

Wattpad has given a confidence in my writing and a lot of bonds between my readers.

You can follow me for the second book's update and the new book too. I plan to write it soon. 

We made it! Thanks for supporting me through this journey.

I'll see you all very soon. Comment "hey I'm back" on my next book if you decide to read my other books if they're out.

All good things must come to an end. Endings are just new beginnings.

Here! Throw the trash of the banana -> 🗑

All the best,

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