Chapter 25

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I was currently snuggled between Nathan and Tyler. We were back at our house and my dad was dealing with the situation that happened at the company.

I was tucked in a blanket on the couch. After the events that happened hours ago, everyone was either yelling on the phone or pacing back and forth.

Alex and Gabriel went to god knows where while each grabbing a pistol from my father's weaponry.

"Miss Vanderbilt, dinner is served." One of the maids announced.

"Grace I think I'll pass tonight. I don't feel like eating tonight." I replied to her.

"Of course, Miss," Grace says while clearing the table.

"Come on then, we'll wait for you till you fall asleep," Tyler suggested.

" it's okay. That's not necessary, I'm pretty sure you're both tired." I tried to reason.

"Talia, it's not up for discussion," Nathan says while helping me up.

"Goodnight sweetheart." My dad yelled out.

"Night daddy," I replied while going up with the boys.

I was already changed into my PJs when I arrived so I just got into bed. The boys sat on either side of me and caressed my hair. They were true to their words and sat with me till I fell asleep. Soon, my mind fell into the darkness.


The school was different today. Today Wilson Prep was covered in decorations of white, red, and green.

A cheerleader was standing on a chair yelling out, "Tickets for the Winter Formal available!"

Out of curiosity, I walked over to the booth to see the details.

"Heyyy Talia. Are you coming to the Winter Formal?" A cute guy with dimples came and asked me.

"Uhh, we'll see. Depends on the situation then. I really don't feel like going to any social gatherings for the time being." I replied shrugging.

"Oh, I understand. A girl like you is busy with stuff like these. Don't worry, if you do decide to come here," he took out a ticket and gave it to me, "A little gift from me when you changed your mind.

I nodded politely and he walked back to the booth. I stood at the entrance of the school reading the ticket. Winter Formal, this Saturday, 6 pm, dress code formal. 

I walked into class to find only Tyler, Alex, and Nathan there. They looked dashing in their Wilson Prep blazers and ties. I took my usual seat and took out my books.

"Where's Gabriel?" I asked.

"He had some attend to," Alex replied.

"Oh? This early?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. You know Gabriel. We can't change his decisions when he put his mind on something." Tyler says while tipping his chair back.

The teacher soon then came in and we all paid attention. Even though we had money that could last our lifetimes, we needed to uphold our reputations as model students.

The boys haven't taken over their fathers' positions yet but when they do, they needed all the knowledge and information they can get. The business was tough and it was a dangerous game. But they knew how to play it, in fact, they played it pretty well.

Lunch finally came around and the cafeteria was filled with whispers of students talking about the winter formal.

I took my seat next to Alex and sighed.

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