Chapter 36

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Alexandar's POV

"Maybe she just needs time to cool off. You know how Talia usually is." Tyler tried to reassure me.

"We should go after her," I frowned.

"I don't think she'll want that. Maybe give her some time?" Nathan suggested.

"Yeah...I guess. You're probably right." I sighed.

I slumped down on my seat as I recalled the conversation earlier. I regretted lashing out on her since we all knew all soft-hearted she was. We barely fight and I'm pretty sure we can't go for a day without talking to one another.

I checked my watch to see that it was already 5 pm. The sun was setting soon and the shop was cleared out except for us. Talia didn't have her bodyguards with her today because we insisted that she won't need them.

Worry starts to sink in as I realized she was alone right now. Suddenly, my phone rang.


"Alex, could you bring Talia home? There are some things I need to discuss with her," her father was on the other side of the line.

"Of course sir, right away."

The boys raised their heads up to me in question.

"It's Mr. Vanderbilt. He wants her home now." I explained.

They all nodded and got up. We walked out of the shop to find Talia nowhere in sight. That's weird. She's usually just outside.

"You guys go look there. Gabriel and I will go this way." I ordered.

As we split ways to look for her, we still could not find her. I was getting very worried and judging by Gabriel's actions, he was also getting anxious. We then met with the boys again to find out they also couldn't find her. This was getting out of hand.

"Should we call her father?" Nathan suggested.

"No, not yet. I don't want him thinking we're not capable of protecting her. Maybe she just wandered off somewhere and got lost." I replied.

"Wait, on a scale of one to ten, do you think Talia would be dumb enough to go in a sketchy-looking park?" Tyler scratched his head.

My head whipped in his direction.

"Why? Did you see something?" I questioned.

"N-no it's just, that was the only place we haven't looked and I don't know man. Do you think she would go in?" Tyler replied.

Nathan facepalmed, Gabriel, sucked in a breath, while I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Tyler, that's exactly something she would do!" I yelled.

We looked at each other for a minute then rushed over to where the park was located.

"It's empty. Are you sure?" Tyler asked.

The park sure looks creepy. Now I'm really not sure if she went in here.

"Guys! Over here! Look." Gabriel called out to us.

"What is it?"

He held up a shiny necklace in the shape of a butterfly. Everyone's eye widened into saucers and we took a look at it. I immediately recognized it since it was me who gave her that for her birthday.

"Wait-does this mean-" Nathan started.

"We're too late." Tyler came up with a conclusion.

"Oh no." Gabriel started again.

I was on the brink of lashing out, I needed to hit something.

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