Chapter 20

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Green, red, blue, pink, purple, yellow. The neon colors flashed upon my eyes as I take in the newly reformed Tyler's house. People were scattered all over the place as they drank until they literally can't.

Tyler was always the one that went for the more the merrier. While the other three boys liked private events, he preferred commotion, everywhere you set your eyes on.

I walked into the life of the party and booming music filled my ears. Students of Wilson Prep surrounds the area. Drinking from a red cup while swaying unevenly to the beat.

I walked down the stairs that leads to the dance floor and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I suddenly felt insecure. Gosh, why was I thinking when I decided to wear this outfit. I felt four particular gazes on me and I eyes connected with the four boys.

Alex was sitting on the one of the couches with a drink in hand. He sat there so comfortably like it was his throne with his arms on the armrest. He was looking at me with a frown on his face.

Gabriel was was next to him but with his leg on top of his leg. He looked more relaxed than Alex but was looking at me with a dark look in his eyes. Gabriel knows how to mask his emotions but his eyes gave it all away.

Nathan looked like he was stopped during his dancing and was looking directly at me. His eyes roam the people around me and scowled when he saw males looking at me.

Tyler however was surrounded by girls who were giving me death glares. His eyes roamed all over my body and checked me out. He then licked his lips when his eyes connected me.

I felt a ping of jealousy when I saw the amount of girls surrounding the boys. Tyler has his arm around one or them's waist while Nathan's hand was on one or them's shoulder.

I pursed my lips and decided to give them the silent treatment. I didn't know why I felt this way but I didn't feel like talking to them when they're all over those girls. Especially, the girls who commented on my non-existent mother. 

I strutted over to the bar and got myself a drink. I was going to drink until I'm too drunk to remember any of their names. I downed drink after drink but the boys where no where near me. I felt upset because they weren't even going to check on me and decided to let hell loose.

I grabbed a bottle and swayed my hips to the dance floor. I didn't care who danced or grinder their hips with me. I just drank straight out of the bottle and let the night slip away.

It felt like forever and I was in bliss. I had no idea about how much I drank. There was this dude in front me me grinding his hips but I didn't care. Hell, I even put my hands on his shoulders and danced.

Suddenly, he was yanked off and and pushed almost nearly across the dance floor. I shrugged my shoulders and tried to drink from another bottle but the bottle was yanked out of my hole.

"Hey! What the hell?" I yelled but then was faced with Alex.

He looked like he was raging but I just rolled my eyes.

He said in a really low tone that only I could hear, "Talia. Are you trying to piss us off?"

I frowned my face in confusion but I felt really dizzy.

"Boys take care of him and follow us. Tyler's room." Alex ordered while he grabbed my hand and dragged me somewhere.

He opened a door to what looked like Tyler's room and the threw me on the bed. He stared at me with an angry look but I had no strength to start a staring contest with him right now. 

Later, the door was roughly opened and in came the other devils in disguised.

Nathan walked over to me and immediately started yelling.

"What the fuck were you thinking Talia Vanderbilt. Letting all those males take advantage of you. Are you really trying to make us bring hell to this party!"

"Not only that but did you have any idea how much you drank!" Tyler yelled, "I'm pretty sure a gallon of alcohol is probably running through your veins right now."

Gabriel stared at me but in a normal tone he asked, " Why didn't you come to us?"

"Well, you guys seemed pretty occupied with all those girls all over you. What ever happened to the no one expect us vow?" I asked immediately feeling really bad.

"So that's what got you so fussed up. I'm sorry Talia, we were not ignoring you, they just came to us. You were there at the wrong place at the wrong time. But if you don't want us talking to other girls, we won't," Alex explained.

"No Alex, I'm not saying you can't talk to other girls. I just felt very upset because they said some pretty mean things about my parents and I," I said while looking down. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know Talia," Alex apologized. 

"It's okay, I forgive you. I'm sorry too," I weakly smiled at them.

"Talia...that outfit is too revealing and tempting. You let boys touch you wearing that? You've really pissed us off tonight. How will you make it up to us?" Alex says.

"You tempt us while we had to watch you dance with males. You had no idea how much we wanted to go over there and punch him." Tyler whispered into my ears.

All that adrenaline and rush through my body caused a very horrible sensation. Before I even had a chance to blush or respond back, I ran over to the sink and threw up what Tyler said, a gallon of alcohol.

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