Chapter 5

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When school ended, Alex took me to his car and zoomed off to his house.

It had been about 3 months since I've visited the King mansion. It was breathtaking. Unlike mine which was all modern with glass and tiles, his was all marbles and ceramics. What I loved most was his state-of-the-art garden. It was truly a vision.

I used to go there almost every day to have a picnic with him and the boys. We would always play chase and they would always let me win on purpose. Memories.

As I step foot in his mansion, it felt great. I remembered almost every detail of his house from top to bottom. It's basically because of playing hide and seek often when we were kids.

He took me up to his room to change our clothes.

"Here," he said while throwing me one of the shorts I left here with one of his shirts.

As I slipped on his shirt, his scent washes over me. I took a whiff of it and smiled in content.

Alex came out from his bedroom dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt. I lied on his bed and sighed. He came over and let me put my head on his lap. He started to play with my hair.

"Are you hungry?" he asked me.

"Yeah, a little," I replied.

"Come. Let's get some food," he said while grabbing my hands.

We made our way downstairs. His kitchen was kept tidy and polished. He made his way over to the pantry while I say on the counters.

I was swinging my feet when I heard the front doors open. Several footsteps were heard. Alex's dad came into view with a few of his men into the kitchen.

"Good evening Mr. King." I greeted him politely.

"Talia." he nods back.

"Alexander, I need to speak with you privately."  Mr King said.

Alex stopped what he was doing and followed his dad out. On the way be petted my hand referring that he will be back.

They were gone for a couple of good minutes when finally Alex came back. He was cursing under his breath.

"Hey, you okay," I asked.

"Yeah. Just business being...difficult" he replied.

I kind of felt for him, being forced to grow up so fast. He always had the pressure of his father on his shoulders.

The whole day we watched movies and ate the food he made. His dad was nowhere to be seen. It was finally dinner time. Alex's cook left us spaghetti. We ate together and did our homework.

"Talia, are you sleeping in the guest room or with me?" Alex asked.

"Um...I rather sleep with you." I replied.

The last time I slept alone in his house, I almost had a heart attack when his father's men started shooting an intruder climbing through my window. 

We both got back to his bedroom and he went into the bathroom. I changed into my nighties and got in the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Alex was shirtless and only wearing his grey sweatpants. We both got in the bed and he turned off the lights. I got comfortable and he pulled me to him. He kissed my head and said

"Sweet dreams my princess."

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