Chapter 11

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Gabriel drove me back to my house after an hour. We just chilled and relaxed in each other's company.

All of a sudden, Gabriel's phone started ringing.


"Yes, she's with me, sir."

"No sir."


"Of course sir."

"Good night Mr. Vanderbilt."

"You're father and brothers are worried sick. They think you're kidnapped or something." Gabriel says.

"Yeah, I left my phone back in my house. Didn't really feel like going through all that." I say shrugging.

"Piccola farfalla, don't worry your father next time okay?" He says.

I nodded and looked out the window. We soon arrived at my house and I see three figures standing at the entrance.

Gabriel walked me out and took me to my father.

"Sir." He greeted.

"Thank you Gabriel for taking care of her. We'll deal with this from here." Father says.

"Goodnight Talia," murmured Gabriel while kissing my temple. My eyes followed him back to the car and the way his car disappeared out of our area.

"Talia." I heard my father call my name sternly.

I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Talia those eyes aren't going to work this time. Do you have any idea how much danger you could have been in? Not telling us where you are but also not bringing your phone? What the fuck Talia?" Tristen yelled. 

"Talia, you don't know how many enemies we have princess. There are many people wanting to take advantage of you and use you." Aiden says.

"Talia why don't you come inside," Father says as he saw my eyes watering.

I sat on the couch with Tristen and Aiden beside me while my father sits in front of me.

"Talia, you know we care about you right? You're precious to us. Ever since your...ever since your mom died. I blame myself every day for her death. I'm not going to let that happen to you." Father says.

"I know," I say looking down.

"Sorella, we're also not handing you off to that bastard. Okay? You don't need to worry." Tristen says.

"They'll have to walk over our dead bodies before ever taking my sister away," Aiden says crossing his arms.

"Come here, princess," Father says.

I walked over to him and he hugged me.

"Get some rest okay sweetie you have school tomorrow," Father says kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight papi, Tristen, Aiden," I say before heading off to my bedroom.

I changed into PJs and brushed my teeth. I opened my phone to see a text from Gabriel.

Gabriel-How did it go? Are you still alive?

Talia-A little but I survived.

Gabriel-Good to know.

Talia-I had a good time today. Thank you for bringing me there.

Gabriel-No problem. I've always been wanting to bring you there.

Talia-Alright then. Goodnight. xoxo

Gabriel-Goodnight baby girl. Dream of me ;)

I was shocked to see his text. I never knew Gabriel was the type to flirt. I guess I don't know some things about him yet.

That night I, in fact, dreamt about him.

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