Part 46

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Finally, after the party, Lela appeared at the table that had the kings and queens along with Yuzu and Mei...

Lela: "Hello lady Ume and lord Kaito, as to you two as well, king Sho and queen Yuki, and future queens"

Yuzu: "Lela! Welcome to the party, how long were you here for?"

Lela: "I came not too long ago and had my meal, now I have come to let you know, all preparations are ready for the ceremony and for you Yuzu, your place is also ready for you and your mate"

Yuki: "Place, what does she mean by that?"

Kaito: "Well, it is tradition that once a cub becomes an adult and finds a mate, that they clam territory of their own and Yuzu had already chosen a place she would be living in, her and future mate"

Sho: "Wait, you mean they will be on their own?"

Ume: "Sorry, I am aware it is new for you, but it is normal for beast, although they never go to far, they will be close, but they will live their own lives and create a kingdom of their own"

Lela: "Well we live in an island that is huge and there are palaces that are still unexplored, and each of them had set out three years ago to find a place of their own and after the ceremony they will head over their and create their own family and kingdom"

Sho: "Then, who will run this Kingdom"

Ume: "Well, if Sho and I still live then it might be pass to the next cub, but as long as we are alive, we will keep this kingdom a float in the meantime"

Yuki: "Oh, I see, we normally give our kingdom to the first born, but I never thought of that before"

Kaito: "It is strange, but it is our way, though in the end, it is Yuzuko's decision, but I believe letting them be on their own, will allow them to grow on their own and make them even better leaders"

Yuki: "Mei, are you alright with that?"

Mei: "Well, I am not sure, but I want to be with Yuzu"

Yuzu: "Queen Yuki, King Sho, I am aware that you love your daughter and she is your future ruler, but if it is alright with you, I hope you will allow Mei and I to see the world and try being on our own, we will visit, but the place I found it very beautiful and big, it has no humans and can't be reach by humans, also it will be a shared kingdom"

Mei: "Shared kingdom?"

Yuzu: "As you know, my parents kingdom is not far from the wolf kingdom, nor the eagle kingdom, and Matsuri, Maruta, Nakita have decided to do the same, though we will have Lela coming with us, so we won't go all on it alone, and we will visit, but if Mei choses I won't mind staying with her, I love Mei and want to be with her as well, I want her to be happy"

Mei held Yuzu's hand and smile...Yuki and Sho sigh...

Sho: "It will take time to get use to it, but if Mei wants to try this, then I can't stop her, but we will need a ruler for our kingdom"

Mei: "Like Yuzu said, I will return, right?"

Yuzu: "Of course, oh, and I wanted to ask you three, um, not sure if this is the right time, but, once we settle into our new home, I was wondering, if you would allow some humans to join the new kingdoms, us four, Maruta, Matsuri, Nakita and I have wanted to try and have humans and best live together, of course, only those who are brave or willing to join us, we thought that this new kingdom can be a start to showing others that humans and beast can live side by side, and hopefully, build a better future for all of us"

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