Part 2

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Meanwhile the girl was being carried by a big blond tiger with black strips...once the tiger got back to a cave that it may seem normal, but it actually leads to an under-ground kingdom...the tiger gets to the palace and lets the girl down, another tiger appears and run to them nuzzling them...

Tiger: "Oh! Kaito you found her, thank goodness you two are ok, now Yuzuko you know you are not supposed to run off like that and change back into your other from right now..."

Yuzu: "Ok, sorry, I just wanted to be a hunter like dad, I am almost an adult, so I wanted to see the upper world"

Kaito: "Yuzuko your mothers Ume right you need to be more careful, you know your not an ordinary tiger sweety and being close to the palace was very dangerous, you have to be more careful"

Yuzu: "But mom, dad, I was being careful, and I was just helping a girl, she was crying and I could not let that mean tiger eat her, I know its instincts, but I just felt like helping her...I am sorry I worried you"

Yuzu change into her tiger form and walk up to her parents and nuzzle them...

Ume: "Alright, but let this be the last time I find you sneak off, you had me worried to death, you are our only cub, so please be more careful"

Yuzu: "I know, and I am truly"

Kaito: "Once you reach your full age then I will take you to hunt and see the outside world, but for now, please stay home, you our the future queen of our kingdom and will eventually lead it to a better world"

Yuzu: "I know, but why must we stay down here, I want to see more"

Ume: "Be patient Yuzuko, someday you will, I promise"

Yuzu: "You promise?"

Kaito: "Of course, now then time to eat, I am starving from that hunt"

The three got close to the dead deer and started eating like tigers, of course Yuzu got the first peace, after they ate Ume laid down with Yuzu laying next to her, while Kaito was off to do his patrol...Ume fell asleep, but Yuzu could not sleep, she close her eyes and remembered the girl...her name was Mei and she had left a very good impression on Yuzu that after a while Yuzu fell asleep and the night went on peaceful like every other...a years pass and Yuzu was now 15 years old, full grown adult in tiger, she had done her hunts with her father and mother when she was 10 years old and has become one of the best, the family was out on a hunt, it was Ume and Yuzu together, while Kaito was with the others hunting since the kingdom had more mouth to feed, Ume spotted two boars grazing, she signal Yuzu to head the other way to do surprise attack since Yuzu was a bit more stronger then her mother, both were ready and Ume manage to get close and pounce on one, while Yuzu tackle the other one, they both smile at each other and were about to head out when Ume started feeling a bit dizzy...

Yuzu: "Mom, are you alright?"

Ume: "I don't know...I just feel...tired for some reason"

Ume sat down panting, Yuzu nuzzle her mom, but then heard noises, she grab her mother and put her on her back, thanks to her strength she manage to carry her mother, but the noise got close so she hid her mother in a cave and covered her with bushes and plants...

Yuzu POV

After hiding my mom, I headed back trying to figure out what it was that I heard, as I got close I saw nothing...was I imagining things, I was hiding in the tall grass, but then felt pain in my butt and I look to see something there, it had feather at the end and suddenly I felt my body get sleepy...what the hell...why is this effecting me...what is it...soon I fell to the ground and I started seeing lots of meat...I shook my head and let out a loud roar before collapsing to the ground...all I saw was...humans...I could burly make them out...but it smell like them...shit...I let my guard down...dam be alright...but right now...I'm tired...I started groaning and I slowly got my vision straighten...I blinks a few times before noticing bars, and a hard floor...dam, I'm in a cage, but were am I...Mom!...

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