Part 34

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Matsuri, Yuzu, Mitsuko, and Nakita were standing near the forest edge ready to run...

Nakita: "Um, are we sure about this, I mean I never really ran before, I fly remember, I never run before"

Matsuri: "Come on, don't whimper out, it's my first time running in two legs, so quite whining and let's get started shall we"

Mitsuko: "Someone seems confidante for their first time running as human"

Yuzu: "Enough, let's just do this"

Matsuri: "For someone who was against this before, I am surprise you are more into this run, he-he, I wonder why"

Yuzu look behind her glancing at Mei one more time, then look into the forest remembering what Mei whispered to her earlier...

Mei: "If you win, there will be a reward waiting for you"

Yuzu remembered those words again and it made her flams heat up, almost losing control, but refocus and smile...

Yuzu: "I will win this race"

Harumi walk next to them...

Harumi: "Alright, no straying off the path, and no cheating is allowed, now then, on your mark...get ready..."

All four just look at the path ready to run, the queen and the others were leaving the room finish with their planning when they notice the teens at the forest edge behind the garden...

Yuki: "What on earth are those kids up to now?"

Ume: "Oh, looks like a race, hm, I wonder who would win"

Suki: "Well Nakita had never been much of a runner, though I am sure she can out smart the others"

Cornelia: "Are you sure about that?"

Suki: "Yes, none of us in our kingdom, really run, if not something we would do often"

Nita: "Well of course Matsuri will be victorious, she is of course a... hmm"

Ume covered her mouth before she could mention anything about them being best...she glares at Nita and Nita trembles a bit...

Ume: "She been training on running, that she has gotten really fast since then"

Hira: "She trained? I am impress"

Ume: "Yuzuko, sh-I mean he would win for sure, she has been training as well"

Cornelia: "Your boy's train, that odd, most prince just spar, but no wonder they won the battle that time of our daughters coronation to look for future suiters"

Ume: "I see, so they did, oh I remember, yes"

Yuki: "I have never seen a fight like that, they fought admiral"

Suki: "Indeed"

The queens made their way to the garden

Harumi: "GO!"

They take off, with Matsuri in the lead...

Matsuri: "Come, you guys can do better than this...huh..."

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