Part 49

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Time has pass and Yuzu was now free from the problems in her parent's kingdom and is now in her room resting, unaware that Mei had return, Mei meets up with Lela who was leaving to head to her home as well...

Lela: "Hi Mei, how are you feeling?"

Mei: "I am doing well, nothing to worry, um are you going home?"

Lela: "It was a tiring day, non-stop problems, but all solve and well, Yuzu is taking a cat nap right now in her room"

Mei: "Oh, um, thank you"

Mei said as her tail started to move in excitement, Lela notice and sigh then started making her way out to her home...

Lela: "Well then, keep me inform on your health, I have no record on humans and beast cub or children, so I want to keep it on record, at least until information comes from my clan about if there ever half breeds was"

Mei: "I will let you know I am to a little concern, but...excited"

Lela: "Of course, well then, I will leave you be and take care alright, remember inform me of anything"

Mei: "I will, thank you"

Lela left leaving Mei, she sighs, as she touches her stomach...

Mei: "I hope everything goes well"

Mei then made her way to palace, but not without others congratulating her and wanting to know when they would have cubs, all which Mei did not feel comfortable with, since in her kingdom, no one normally ask or talks to the royal family without permission, but here at the Okagi kingdom there is not real rule on not asking the royal family when they walk outside the kingdom about what is going on, which is new, but Mei wants to be by Yuzu's side and knows that their kingdom might have people or beast like these, but for now she says a few words to whoever talks to her and makes her way to were Yuzu is at, once she got to the palace she heads to Yuzu's room, since the Okagi clan don't really need cooks or cleaners, they hunt and the cooks are done the time food is brought which will be soon since they prefer hunting at night, though they store their food, they have to restock from time to time, due to all the festivals they have had and tonight is restocking time, so once Yuzu wakes she must lead the hunt...Mei finally reaches Yuzu's room and knocks, but no answer, she opens the door and soon sees Yuzu on the bed naked and sleeping...Mei's tail wags since Yuzu was laying on her back with one leg straight and the other bended, one arm on her chest and the other on the side of the bed, Yuzu was to tired and hot to put cloths, so she had slept without it, also there was really no need since she was at home and only her parents saw her often, it was normally, normal for beast not to wear cloths, but some due, since humans influence them a bit, but that said, Mei was now panting at the sight in front of her, even if Yuzu was not in male form, Yuzu was still very much attractive and Mei to slowly climb on the bed, Yuzu moved a bit and started sniffing, slowly opening her eye's and saw Mei on top of her with eye's full of lust...

Mei: "Afternoon"

Mei said and soon lays her whole body on Yuzu then nuzzles her, trying to get Yuzu's full attention, which did...

Yuzu: "M-Mei..."

Yuzu's tail wag of excitement and place a kiss on Mei's neck, Mei moan a bit and soon kissed Yuzu, Yuzu's hands started roaming Mei's back making her way to her butt and she squeezed it making Mei moan between the kisses, but Mei grab her wrist and move Yuzu's away from her butt and to the side of Yuzu's head and let a low growl out...

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