Part 35

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Higo, Suki, Nakita, Sitka and Nita were heading out Matsuri and Maruta had no choice but to follow...

Kaito: "Listen Sho, I promise my people will fight with you and your kingdom, we will protect all our kingdoms, but right now, there is something we have to deal with, I will give more information once we turn, now if you will excuse us, Yuzuko, you and the others say your good byes"

Yuzu's anger subsided a bit as Mei held her hand...Mei look at Yuzu concern so did Himeko she look at Nakita with the same expression...

Mei: "Yuzu..."

Yuzu pulled Mei into a kiss and smile...than she leans her forehead against hers...

Yuzu: "I promise, once this is over, I will return and I promise to tell you everything and protect you with my life, I promise"

Yuzu gave one last kiss; the others gave their kiss and said their goodbyes...Sho and Yuki walk up to Mei...

Yuzu: "I give you my word Mei, I will protect you and all the kingdoms, like my father said our alliance will stand"

Yuzu said before she entered the carriage and left with the others...As soon as the carriage were far from view, they stop and disappeared...soon Lela arrives...

Lela: "Finally, by the looks it seems you are aware, it is them, they entered the barrier line place the past witches, no weapons not humans, and no Simbado, its...Kara and if I am correct there are two humans and 6 other lions"

Yuzu growled along with Nakita...

Ume: "Calm down you two, no need to make things worse, lets see what she wants first"

The group made their way to the ocean were the ship they are all in their half forms, soldiers hid in the forest just in case waiting for the orders from their leaders...soon Kara and her crew of lions in their lion form approach...

Kara: "It has been a long time, alpha Okagi, I have come here to negotiate"

Yuzu: "Negotiate, what do you mean by that?"

Kara: "Hm-hm, its been a long time as well, did you miss me, Yuzu and Nakita?"

Both Nakita and Yuzu let a low growl out and were about to walk forward when their mothers growl back at them making them both stop on their tracks and back up...Matsui and Maruta just watch as things unfold...

Ume: "Your clan was banish from our, what is it you want?"
Kara: "To surrender, you and you three clans follow our clans orders"

Higo: "What! Ha-ha-ha, you are crazy for coming here and suggesting that, did you forget who we are?"

Kara: "Yes, but we have new weapons that will win against your powers, we have an army waiting for orders, my father wants to give you the chance to bow to us, or there will be war, think about it, we can get ride of the humans in this land as we did in our"

Kaito: "What, have you done"

Kara: "Let me show you"

Kara order some lions who were in half form and drag four humans with them in chains three woman and one man were dragon on rags have burn marks on their arm...

Kaito: "What is the meaning of this, why did you bring humans here?"

Kara: "Their pets, or whatever we want them to, after you banish our kind, we found a land of our own, but it was run by humans, filthy humans that harm our people, my mother died trying to follow your way, but the humans kept getting stronger, bring out the new weapon"

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