Part 22

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Mei was frozen in shock, Yuzu walk up to her and nudge her a bit...

Yuzu: " ok?"

Mei shook her head and face Yuzu...she sigh and then smile...

Mei: "Y-yes, but how on earth did this happen, I did not feel anything moments I think I did, when I got angry at my father for trying to defend my desire to protect and change the law on hunting, I have never done something like that, oh no, now I understand why my father and mother thought it was odd of me, I never once argue with my parents..."

Yuzu giggle and nuzzle her...

Yuzu: "It's going to be ok beautiful, have I told you how sexy you look right now?"

Mei blush and turn, she flick her tail at Yuzu...Yuzu just giggle and tackle her Mei was on her back and Yuzu was on top of her, they gaze into each other's eye's and Yuzu lick's Mei on her lip...Mean while back with the wolves Maruta and Matsuri found a group of deer's which Matsuri thought it would be better since she had Maruta to help out, Mitsuko and Harumi stayed behind and watch...

Mitsuko: "So wolves hunt in packs"

Harumi: "Wait, if there are packs how on earth has anyone not found them yet?"

Mitsuko: "Maybe the same way, the tigers hid themselves, point is, they are strong beast"

They kept watching, Matsuri and Maruta walk out and growl, the deer got up and hid the infants in the middle, Maruta and Matsuri circle them...

Harumi: "What are they doing, why don't they attack?"

A buck deer step out of the group tried to attack Matsuri, Maruta took that chance and the other deers began to panic a bit...The buck returns but was stop by Matsuri bitting its back leg, Matsuri avoided the kick, and the others deers started to run, Matsuri let go as Maruta went for the run, Matsuri follow and they manage to split a female doe that was injured and started to bit on it, Matsuri lack on the side, while Maruta latch on the back leg, the two princess watch, and suddenly Harumi started feeling weird...Mitsuko notice...

Mitsuko: "Harumi, you alright?"

Harumi just kept panting and soon started to run following Matsuri and Maruta, she then change into a wolf and caught up grabbing the other leg and the doe fell...Matsuri and Maruta let go and step back, Harumi made her way to the neck and bit down taking the doe's breathing...once the doe died, Harumi was panting...

Matsuri: "Who are you?"

Matsuri growl a bit...Harumi shook her head and then step back noticing the dead dear in front of her...Matsuri kept growling...

Maruta: "Harumi?"

Mitsuko: "Wait! Don't hurt my sister!"

Mitsuko said running to them...Matsuri sat down and blush waging her tail when she gaze into Harumi's eye's...she check her out...

Harumi: "W-What just happen to me?"

Maruta: "Its seems your body reacted to our hunt and instincts kick in"

Harumi: "O-Ok"

Mitsuko: "How does it feel?"

Harumi: "A little weird, but lighter, when I was running, I felt like I was fast, and I did not feel tired until the last minute"

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