Part 21

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Yuzu was in her tiger form having Mei riding on her back, Yuzu was sniffing around trying to see if she can catch Himeko's sent or Nakita's they kept walking...

Mei: "Anything?"

Yuzu: "Yes...but something is odd, its like the sent change?"

Yuzu stops and tilt her head...

Mei: "What do you mean?"

Yuzu: "Himeko's's changes...and it seems like they probably headed back to the cave..."

Mei: "Well then should we go back?"

Yuzu: "Sure"

Mei laid forward as she felt Yuzu soft fur and warmth...Yuzu blush a felt nice to her having Mei around...Suddenly Yuzu sniff humans, she look around and then there was a shot fired, Yuzu dodge the first shot and Mei woke up...

Mei: "What is going on!"

The hunters came out when they notice the princess...

Hunter 1: "Princess Aihara? What are you doing out here and with a...amazing..."?

Hunter 2: "Princess, you tame the tiger, that is amazing"

Mei and Yuzu look at each other and played the game...

Mei: "Yes, this is my tiger and I have tamed her, I taking her for a ride"

Hunter 2: "Boss, don't you think this one is a bit bigger then other tigers"

Hunter 1: "Y-yes, it is amazing, well then forgive us for shooting, we did not know this was your pet, forgive us princess"

Mei: "It is ok, now we should leave"

They were about to leave when two guards from the palace were passing by...

Guard 1: "Princess Aihara, we have been searching and...wait, princess is that the tiger that left?"

Mei: "Yes, as you can see I have tame her and will head back later, please tell my parents I am alright"

Guard 2: "I am sorry, but your father ask us to get you, he needs to speak with you immediately"

Mei sigh and patted Yuzu's on the side of her fur, Yuzu had no chose, but to follow since she did not want to deal with the hunters right now...Mei kept riding Yuzu through town, everyone was amaze and kept complementing Mei with taming the huge tiger...once they reach the throne room, Yuzu laid down and allowed Mei get off her, Yuzu stayed laying down...

Sho: "What is the meaning of this!?"

Yuki: "Wait, it that the same tiger you were given?"

Mei: "Y-yes mother, but she won't hurt anyone, see"

Mei look at Yuzu and whispered sorry...

Mei: "Yu, sit"

Yuzu sigh and sat down, her tail wag a little...

Yuzu: "This is embarrassing..."

Mei: "Bear with me, now shake"

Mei order and held her hand out, Yuzu just life her paw and Mei shook it...then she petted Yuzu under her chin, Yuzu chuff, which is like purring, but for big cats...Yuzu rub Mei's face and sat down...

Hunters, Beast and PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now