08. Horrid Visions

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tw // hate speech

"Thank you for tonight. Let's do it again some time." I smiled at him. He smiled from ear-to-ear and gave me a thumbs up.

"Yes, I will look forward to more nights with you, Mikasa. Stay safe and happy." He said and left. I watched him leave before finally closing the door. I smiled at the memory of us dancing in the parking lot not bothered if people see us. We are just enjoying forgetting about our problems one by one.

And as I close the door, all of my worries came back all together. Darkness invaded my sight so I switched open the light. I locked the door first before walking to the bathroom for a shower.

I stripped my clothes off and went inside the shower. I closed my eyes as I felt the warm water wet my skin and hair, feeling so calm and contented. And that feeling was interrupted by fear as the imagination of the serene sea was replaced by the vision of darkness, death, and blood. Screams of pain is heard, telling me to walk away. I looked at my hands to see blood on it.

I opened my eyes once again and realized I saw it again. The murder of my parents. I sighed as tears fell from my eyes again. Why do I have to feel so sad after I feel happy just minutes ago? I looked at my hands like I did on my vision and saw they are clean. I covered my face as I cried.

I continued showering until I was done. I wrapped my hair in a towel and my body in a robe. I went to my bedroom and dressed up in my pajamas. I dried my hair before going to the bathroom again to brush my teeth and hung it again on the towel rack. I also hung my robe on the door.

I walked back to my room and lied down on my bed, covering myself in my comforter. I looked straight in the ceiling and thought about a hundred things like how I usually do so I could fall asleep...

Why do I have to see such horrid visions of murder? I get tired and scared too...


I sat up on my bed and slightly rubbed my eyes as my alarm continued to ring like crazy that I want to throw the freaking clock out of the window. I slightly tapped it to stop it from ringing and it did.

I stood up and did my usual routine. Go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, take a shower, dry my body and hair, dress up, prepare my things and then prepare for take-off.

Our uniform for today is just a simple black shirt with the logo of Averdien and black sweatpants. I wore the white sneakers that I wore last night and picked up my backpack that was on the sofa before turning off all the electricity.

I went outside and locked the door only to see him again. Eren Jaeger in his motorcycle wearing his usual Thorngrace uniform. I rolled my eyes and walked to him.

"Why are you here?" I asked him but he just handed me his helmet. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Answer me first, Jaeger."

"I will be your daily service from now on. I knew you were gonna wear your P.E uniform today so we are gonna ride this motorcycle." He answered so I took the helmet from his hands and wore it before riding the motorcycle and hugging his torso tight.

"What if I was wearing a skirt? What are you gonna do?" I asked him again.

"We are gonna take a walk together and ride the bus together." He answered before drifting away.


I removed the helmet and so did he. And there it is..his whole face is now visible. His green eyes shining with happiness, his lips in its usual smile I always see when I am with him, his tan complexion, and of course, his long hair in his usual man bun. A face like his wouldn't be ignored easily.

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