37. Always In All Ways

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tw // mention of murder, blood, etc. ( the words are just included but I will put warning in case someone needs it, enjoy reading )


I woke up due to the heaviness I am feeling on my stomach. I opened my eyes and saw Eren, sleeping peacefully, his head resting on my stomach. I smiled and closed my eyes again, trying to go back to sleep but my thoughts are full of the images of yesterday. I looked at my left hand and smiled when I saw the ring. I looked at it dearly. I felt Eren move a bit so my attention was on him, he was now crunched up like a soft ball, his head still on my stomach. His head is heavier than I thought.

Is it just me that I find it cute that a tall and mature-looking Eren would sleep like this on cold days? He looks mature yet he sleeps like a baby. His soft snores are heard. I wonder, what did he do last night to look this tired? I slowly sat up, and his head is now on my lap, but he still didn't flinch even a bit. I put my pillow under his head and I stood up. I also took my blanket and covered him in it. It feels like I am taking care of a child.

I sat on the sofa and opened my phone. I got five texts from Annie so I replied. I had to reply or she will flood me with more.

From : Annie

'take care in that cabin. ilysm!'

'is it cold there? do you have a blanket there?'

'eren literally planned all of this. what happened?'

'he better did something good. i tried my best in my acting skills yesterday.'

'omg, you still alive?'

I laughed at her messages.

To : Annie

'i am fine and alive. really well'

Historia also flooded me with messages asking me about what happened. Did Eren really plan all of this? From our separate trips to this cabin? Hell, he is really sneaky, if yes. He is great at hiding things.

From : Historia

'tell me what happened, okay?'

'omg i am so excited for your stories. keep me updated, mikasa.'

'hell, are you still alive?'

'never mind, tell me about what happened okay? detail by detail. ilysm!'

'i guess u are still asleep. you tired or what?'

'okay just tell me everything.'

I smiled and typed a short response.

To : Historia

'yes. detail by detail.'

I put my phone aside and watched Eren as he sleeps. He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping and so attractive when awake. He should go to hell for being like that, but he is hotter than hell so he was probably kicked out of there. I smirked at what I am thinking right now. What did I do in my past life to have a boyfriend like him? Did I save a whole nation? Maybe even the whole world. Hell, if I have to do that in my every reincarnation to have him, I would always repeat it.

I heard him let out a small groan. I just sat there, legs crossed, while observing him. He is probably awake, but he is not saying anything so I just sat on the sofa. My legs are crossed, and so are my arms. I watched him slowly open his eyes. He rolled over and he is now on his back. He slowly sat up and turned into my direction.

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