09. Comfort Zone

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"They tell you that and you don't fight? But, Mikasa..", he sighed and looked at me, who is still crying. He arrives everytime I look like a mess. I don't know whether I should thank him or curse him.

"Stop looking at me, I am ugly crying right now." He laughed at my statement and wrapped an arm around my shoulder which made me cry harder.

"You are not. You are so beautiful, you know that. Now, I want you to smile." He said and wiped the tears streaming down my face. I looked up at him and stared at his smile.

"How could you comfort me like this when you can't even comfort yourself? I can't even comfort you like the way you needed to. But you kept on doing this. I can't get you. You look too happy in front of me." I confronted him and looked back down to cry harder.

"Mikasa..I just want to be here for you." He answered and held my chin to make me look at him. I blinked and looked at his sincere smile. "I want to be your comfort zone."

I cried harder at his statement and tapped his hand to remove his fingers on my chin so I could look back down to cry more.

"It would be awkward if we are gonna cry here together, right now. Isn't it? I will just cry when you are not crying anymore and when you are fine I will make myself feel fine too. It's you before anyone or anything else." He said and sighed deeply.

"Damn you, Jaeger." I said and wiped my tears. Why would he do that? Is he dumb or what? Why is he so naive and innocent? He is just..too precious for this world.


A lot has been going on for just a month. I nailed my finals, earned a permanent job from the cafè I work in, moved to a better house, and a better friendship with Eren. He is always there for me and I am always there for him too.

He nailed his finals too and has been working as a barista with me in my workplace. We are even in the same shift. Gosh, I want to throw him out and his face sometimes. I see his face everyday, and everywhere.

"Okay, Miss for take-out or dine-in?" He asked while smiling widely. I saw the girl blush a bit and smile. I frowned and thought, you should be busy studying, not blushing, gosh.

"Dine-in." She said softly and smiled.

"May I know what's your name?" He asked while holding a pen. The girl blushed harder. What? Does she think he is asking her name for flirting purposes?

"W-What?" She asked, shock in ber face. I tsked. I knew it! My gosh!

"Miss, your name so I could write it in the cup and easily call you when your order is ready." He smiled, hiding his annoyance.

"Oh. Just put Cass in there. Thank you!" She smiled and bowed down before sitting on a vacant space. I rolled my eyes and went back to work. Eren approached me.

"What did she order?" I asked.

"She just ordered hot chocolate and usual morning omelette. Why? Are you gonna cook it?" He asked and smirked. I rolled my eyes and gave him a lovely 'NO'.

"Oh, hey Ma'am may I take your order?" I asked and smiled widely.

"Uhm, I would like a fettucine and an espresso macchiato. And that's for take-out. I don't wanna be late. I am gonna give that to my son." She smiled back at me.

"Okay Ma'am tell me your name so I could put it in the cup." I asked her nicely.

"Okay, just put Dina in there. Thank you, young lady." She smiled at me, paid and looked around to find a seat. And when she found one, she went there and sat properly.

"Mikasa, can you give this to that girl over there? I just have to go to the bathroom shortly." He said and gave me a tray with omelette and a cup of hot chocolate.

"Sure." Then he left me there to go to the bathroom. Why is he so nice to give off notes with nice messages to every customer he assists? "An omelette and hot chocolate for Cass."

The girl stood up from her seat and approached me. She smiled widely when she saw the note. "Wow he's so nice. Now I feel special." She said.

"Yeah he does it to every customer he assists. He is so kind isn't he?" Her dear smile turned into a frown. She just took the tray and left the note from Eren on the counter. Wow she is just so childish! So what if you are not the only one he gives notes too? What is she? His girlfriend?

"Oh, she left the note?" He said, confusion in his tone.

"Yeah, she hates it. That she left it here. She thought she was the only you gave a note to." I smirked and rolled my eyes. She wants to feel special then why don't she treat herself better? Isn't that nicer than being treated special by someone else?

"Well nevermind." He shrugged and tore the paper apart to throw it in the trash can. Oh gosh, that girl. She really thought she was the only one Eren gave a note to and went beast mode when she knew she was like the hundredth.

I prepared the order of Miss Dina, and once I was done, I gave it to her. She gave me a smile and left. Nice customers really brighten up my mood. I would look forward to more nice ones than arrogant ones. I mean, who would like to serve an arrogant person?


Almost all the job is done if only we aren't the ones who are gonna do the cleaning and closing. Well, this is night shift and our store isn't twenty-four hours open. I wiped the tables and counters while Eren washes all the used dishes and will also mop the floor.

"I am so tired." I said and sat on the chair in front of me. I took out a hairtie and tied my hair in a high ponytail even if it's just short. What? I don't want it touching the back of my neck. It would be really itchy and annoying.

"Stand up, Mikasa so we can get it done earlier than we expected." He said, holding a mop. Wow he is already done washing the dishes while here I am acting all tired just because I wiped tables. I stood up and continued doing my work.


Eren put out all the electricity and did the closing of the cafè while I stand behind him, waiting for him to finish what he is doing. I sighed and crossed my arms. When he was done, he approached me.

"Uhm, do you want to go somewhere or do you want to go home already?" He asked. Going somewhere is nice, but since I am tired, I want to go home and sleep already.

"I wanna go home." I answered. He wore his helmet and gave me one too. He rode his motorcycle and I followed.

"Do I look attractive whenever I ride this motorcycle or do I look like a dumb kid who doesn't know how to use it properly?" He askes out of nowhere which made me laugh.

"Hmm, both?" I answered and held onto him tight.

"I bet I am attractive."

Yes, he is so full of himself.


Let our mistakes lead us to our realizations.

Y.M Jaeger♡

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