39. Endgame

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Sometimes, it's hard to see what the future holds
And most times, it feels like a steep climb, and that's alright
There's magic in details, the tender small gestures of love
And the way they all add up

When they ask why I can never explain
But a symphony played when you told me your name
And it sounded like a sign

-Leah Nobel's Beginning, Middle, End


Eren held my hand while his other hand is holding the steering wheel. I looked at him and saw that he is smiling brightly, then I looked back at the view outside. We are on our way to the mall to buy a lot of blankets, pillows, a mattress, and fairy lights. We will arrange a blanket fort because we will watch a movie in his laptop and we will drink wine while stargazing later. He was the one who actually planned it.

When we reached the mall, he parked it near the entrance so we won't have to walk for such a long time. Our fingers intertwined as we walk inside the mall. I don't care if it's PDA. He has turned me into a clingy person that I just want to hug him and hold onto him whenever he is in close vicinity. And also kiss him.

"I will buy donuts for us. What flavor do you want?" He asked.

"Anything. You decide." I answered. He kissed my forehead before he went to the stall of donuts. I just stood on a corner where I am still visible for him while waiting. I just stood there until a familiar man approached me. He's super tall, actually.

"Mikasa." He called and I just looked at him. "It's Jean. Don't you remember?" He asked and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh! Jean, hey! How have you been? I guess it has been almost eleven years since we last saw each other." I greeted back. I kind of feel uncomfortable, maybe because we've never really talked after Sasha was gone. We acted like complete strangers after she left permanently.

"I am fine. How about you and why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm fine too. And I am just here to buy things for a little movie night later." I answered. I pursed my lips and looked away when he held my arm but he instantly took back his hand. He liked me before so I guess it just adds up to the awkwardness. I never really liked anyone before Eren came.

"Maybe we could have some coffee sometimes? Are you with someone? Maybe we should catch up." He suggested but I shook my head. I showed him my left hand and smiled genuinely.

"I am with my fiancee. We are having a movie date later and we are buying things for tonight." And when I said that, Eren finally arrived. He is holding two boxes of donuts. He wrapped my arms around my waist and pulled me closer like he's saying 'she's mine'. I admit, I like this side of him. The jealous side.

"Hey. I guess you are my Mika's friend. I am Atty. Eren Jaeger. Mika's fiancee." He smiled and offered his hand. Jean accepted but Eren took back his hand immediately and wrapped it around my waist again.

"I have to go. See you around, Mikasa." Jean said and left. While we were walking, Eren suddenly let out a slight laugh. I looked at him with confusion. Is he fine? What is he laughing about?

"Hey. Why are you laughing? Is something funny?" I asked.

"He honestly looks like a horse. His Mom probably hugged a horse stuff toy when she was pregnant with him." He laughed and I tapped his arm lightly. I frowned and I can't help but laugh with him. He honestly had the time to notice that? I didn't even care about Jean!

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