31. Second First Date

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I smiled at the mirror and observed myself. He said that I should dress casually. Comfortably. So I wore my black hoodie and black sweatpants. I paired it with my white sneakers. I look really comfortable but I am really nervous right now. My heart is beating so fast like it's actually gonna get out of my chest! I am so nervous as heck.

I waited for five minutes then I heard a knock on the door. I walked to it and opened it with a wide smile but it faded when I saw Annie instead. Why is she here? I thought she is busy with Armin tonight?

"Why are you here? I am going out. I thought you are busy with Armin tonight?" I asked her and my brows furrowed. She smirked at me and went inside my unit. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me.

"So why are you dressed? I will never bother to ask but I noticed you are wearing white sneakers so where are you going? Why are you dressed?" She asked me. I was the one asking questions?

"Nothing! I am just going to go do errands." I answered and smiled forcing her to stand up. I don't want her to know yet that I am going out with him again. We're still not back together but he said that while he's still here in Stohess, we should spend some time together to make up for the times we lost and I agreed.

"Then let me join." She pouted then another knock on the door was heard. I opened the door and there is Eren. Wearing the same outfit as me. I stood there frozen with wide eyes.

"Hi errands." Annie greeted Eren and raised a brow at me. "Yeah I really think I should get going. Enjoy you two." She smirked and stood up from the sofa then left my unit. I welcomed Eren inside my house and made him sit on the sofa. I closed the door and sat beside him.

"Why did she call me 'errands'?" He asked and chuckled.

"I told her I am going to run errands." I sighed and stood up to get him a glass of water but he held my wrist. "Don't you want water before we go?" I asked him.

"No need. Let's go now." He said and smiled at me.


"So you still have this motorcycle even after what? Ten years? Maybe even more than ten years!" I said and hopped on his motorcycle after I wore the helmet I borrowed from him. "Uhm, what should I do?" I asked not knowing where to hold.

"Hold me tight like before." He said and so that's what I did. "Rest your head on my back and everything is fine. Don't worry I will catch you if ever you fall." He continued and started driving. I did what he told me. I hugged him and placed my head on his back. He drove with a fast pace like how he did ten years ago.

"Slowly, Jaeger." I said, slightly furious.

"Loosen your grip a little, Miss Ackerman. I might not be able to breathe properly." He joked and slowed down. "So where should we go? Where should we eat?" He asked.

"Chinese sounds great." I answered.


There is enough space for dine-in but we chose drive-thru instead. We ordered Chow Mein and classic dumplings and we ate it in this large spacious parking lot. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. We enjoyed our food as much as we enjoyed the company of each other. I feel comfortable with him.

"Work is tiring." He said.

"But it's what you want so it's worth it. Uhm, I actually forgot to congratulate you, Atty. Jaeger." I smiled and offered a shake hand and he gladly accepted it with a smile on his face. "You successfully caught your dream after a long chase. Who wouldn't be proud of that? Right?"

"Thank you. And yes, it's worth it. How about you? I heard that 'The Nightingale' is doing great. It looks like a really peaceful cafè." He complimented. It's not called 'The Nightingale' for no reason.

"And it gets wild at night. It actually has an underground bar which is open only at night. Annie, Historia, and I hang out there a lot but we never got to do that again because we are busy. It's doing great!" I answered and I also thanked him.

"How about Sasha?" When he asked that, I lost my smile. I took a deep breath and answered him honestly.

"She's dead." I simply said.

"Sorry. Since when?" He asked again.

"She was already dead ten years ago. I just never told you." I looked down.

"Why? I will listen to you and I will accept you no matter what your reason is." He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder then scooted me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest.

"I was ashamed that you will judge me and call me crazy for pretending and still waiting for a dead person to come back. That was my only way of coping." I feel tears forming in my eyes. I tried not to close my eyes to prevent them from successfully falling.

"You were in pain so that is normal. Mmm, how about we dance? Are you done eating?" He asked me and I nodded. What? Dance? Why are we gonna dance? There is no music. And wouldn't it be embarrassing? But I guess he is feeling a little spontaneous tonight.

"There is no music." I said. But he came prepared. He took a bluetooth speaker and connected his phone to it.

"Jaeger, I can't believe you." That was the only thing I could say as he held my hand as we both dance to the rhythm of these joyful songs and beats. We danced to 70s, 80s, and 90s songs not bothered if people will see us. All we know is, we are happy in the arms of each other. We were both jumping and dancing until a classic old love song played. I looked at him as he smiled at me, pulling me closer to him. We are already hugging each other.

"I look so simple right now." I said and rested my head on his chest, hearing how fast his heartbeat is. I smiled.

"Simplicity is beauty." I tried not to crack up for how old that phrase is. It's so used and old.

"That's too old, Jaeger." I confronted.

"You are simplicity, Mikasa." And when he said that, I felt it. My heart softened. My whole being softened. It feels like deja vu...

"I look so simple right now." I said and slightly looked down.

"Simplicity is beauty." He said.

"That's too old, Jaeger." I smirked. I felt him smile and heard a slight chuckle from him. The chuckle that I was so used to hearing.

"You are simplicity, Mikasa." He suddenly said like how sudden his heartbeat became so quick-paced like he is running on a marathon or trying to catch a thief. Like how mine is right now....

This is our first date after ten years so I guess I can call this our second first date. It's very much the same as our first date ten years ago. I closed my eyes as we continue to sway to the slow song.

"You're still the dream." He whispered.

Same scenario, same person, ten years apart.


We've come a long way. We have surpassed thirty chapters, reached 3k reads, and more. Thank you so much. I promise that I will keep on writing and improving. I hope that someday, we'll be able to meet each other despite of our distances. I also hope that you all will continue doing what you want, what your heart is saying. Don't worry this is still not the last chapter. I just feel so supported by all of you. Let's reach more milestones together!♡

Always Grateful,
Y.M Jaeger♡

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