26. Handkerchief

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"Sir, I am sorry for the inconvenience. You can sit down first while waiting for your order. It got mixed up." I heard an employee say. I looked up and saw a guy wearing a black sweatshirt and a black sweatpants. It is probably a normal error on online orders, they get mixed up sometimes. I went back to napping on the table not bothering about any noise that anybody or anything might cause.

"It's okay." Shit. Again? Another encounter? I looked up slowly and noticed that it's really him! Well, I shouldn't panic or anything because it is okay for him to be here because of course, this is a cafè. He can go here or eat here whenever he wants, right?

He looked around and saw me looking at him with wide eyes. I looked down to avoid his gaze. How many exes do I have to see today? First, Brian, and now, Eren? Isn't it too bad for me? I heard footsteps coming near me. I looked back up and my assumptions were right. He is gonna sit in front of me. And he did. I am right, so I acted normal like it doesn't affect me at all.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here?" I greeted him back. I gulped and tried to speak and act normally.

"Armin told me that he has an order here and he wants me to pick it up. And since I am on my way to his home, I agreed. How about you? What are you doing here?" He asked back. I just mentioned that I have a cafè called 'The Nightingale' the night of the Engagement Party, right? "Oh yeah, you own this place. Right. Uhm, congrats." He said, yet he maintained a straight face.

"Thank you. By the way, I am sorry for the error about your order. That happens sometimes." I apologized and sat properly. I am so exhausted and sleepy today but I have the energy to talk to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. My heart just skipped a beat. I blinked three times before getting back to my senses. Wow, this is crazy. Really crazy. He was about to speak again but Ed, a worker, came, holding a paper bag.

"Sir, this is your order." He took the paper bag from Ed's hand and stood up, trying to get something from his pocket.

"Oh, no. Sir, it's already paid." Ed said and left.

"I have to go now. Bye." He said coldly and left the cafè.

Hmm, okay.


"Make sure to be here on time on Friday, okay? We will be using Eren's car. He offered so why not, right?" Annie said. Of course I have to be there on time on Friday. She would literally say things again and I will have to shut her up.

"Sure. Sure. I will be there." I said and ended the call. I lied down on the couch, tired of all the shit I have been doing and thinking. I am so tired. Exhausted. Sleep-deprived. I don't know but I guess I look like a walking zombie already. And tomorrow, Annie convinced me to join her and Armin in finding the perfect place for the ceremony and reception. I don't want to disappoint my bestfriend. Besides, her wedding is important to me too.

And when I closed my eyes, I saw a very different scenario. They were my plans for the future ten years ago. What I will do once I graduate college, my dream wedding and family, my dream house. Everything. And in those plans, he was always included. After college, wedding, family, house, he was there. He was a part of every inch of those plans. I took a deep breath and covered my face with my arm.

I honestly thought I've moved on. I am over him. But when I saw him, it felt like I was back to being that nineteen year-old college girl who was crying over a guy. That nineteen year-old girl who pictured that guy waiting for her in the altar, and the guy in her mind is the exact reason for her tears.

And I don't wanna be her again.

My decisions these past ten years have been a mess. The only good thing I did, was my business, but the rest were shitty and complicated. I am lucky enough to have Annie and Historia to stay with me. I am lucky enough to have them by my side whenever I need help, and comfort. They were always there, and their existence is far more important.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I checked the time and it's already 7PM. I have to sleep early tonight. I might just drink sleeping pills again to be able to have a great slumber. That will help me a lot.

I took out my apricot exfoliating face scrub and put a decent amount on my palm before putting it on my face. I rubbed it in a circular motion and when I was done, I rinsed it. I dried my face with a dry towel and grabbed my tomato overnight gel mask. I also put little amounts on my face and rubbed it carefully and slowly.

And now, I will doze off to sleep. I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed. I opened the drawer of my nighstand and took out my sleeping pills. I put one in my mouth, then drank water before swallowing it. I let out a relieved sigh before placing the container back inside the drawer and sleeping peacefully.

This is what I need. Sleep.

I looked around to see if anyone followed me here in this dark and dusty cottage. When I saw no one, I sat on the floor. I scrunched up my legs to my chest before crying. I am here to let it all out. I am here to release the pain, and no one has to know about this.

I heard a sound of a footstep, but instead of standing up, I never bothered to check it because I am here every night with the same purpose. Crying. Letting the pain out. It was always the same routine.

It happened again the following nights. Footsteps were always heard whenever I am here. But as always, I never paid attention to it because that is not my intention.

And the one night, I entered the cottage. It was cleaner than the previous nights. No dust particle invading my nostrils, and making me sneeze. I sat on my usual spot, only to feel a handkerchief beside me. I took it and looked at it with confusion painted in my whole face. But I didn't try to know who owns it. It smells and looks new so I used it to wipe my tears. It feels nice to have a handkerchief to wipe my tears and not just the back of my hand.

It happened every night.

The same scenario, different handkerchiefs. It's strange but I stayed cool. Maybe someone is trying to be kind. Maybe it is the owner of the cottage? I never knew anything about the person.

All I know is, I am grateful.


Thank you for 3k reads and for the never ending support!

Y.M Jaeger♡

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