16. Stohess

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"You can just come back on Monday, Miss Ackerman. We will just call you for your interview with an administrator. Goodluck." The woman who is just a little older than me, said and flashed a kind smile at me. I passed my needed requirements today and I still have things to follow.

"Thank you." I slightly bowed down to show respect before entirely leaving. I have been here in Stohess for three days. I admit it, I am used to Eren always being by my side whenever I am in trouble but he wouldn't be able to go here quickly because he is at Trost and will be coming home after four days. I wish he is here beside me.

I wandered my sight around the beautiful campus of SSB. If ever I pass, I will be having an dorm here and I would go to parties every Friday night and then go to Trost to meet up with Eren every Saturday morning. I have it all planned, because I want us to last. I want us to do it properly, you know? Long distance.

I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it and saw Eren's name. Well, it's not really his name because I changed his name on my contacts from Jaeger Issues to a simple E.J, well those are his initials and I am too lazy to think of a better one. To prevent further fights, I answered it immediately.

"Hey, Jaeger. How are you? Is Trost feeling right?" I asked him.

"Hell yes. Trost is fire, Mika. I feel like I really belong here. A student from TLS took me to a TLS-students exclusive party although I am still not accepted. They are so kind to me here. Tell me about Stohess." He is so happy at Trost. I have to keep in mind that we won't be together always and we have to be used to being apart.

"It's fun here too. But I still haven't attended SSB-students exclusive party, but it's fine. The city lights and busy streets. Just like how I dreamed, Eren. But, I..I..I miss you, Eren." I said and sighed. I miss him. I miss that damn suicidal bastard.

"Should I go there at Stohess to be with you? Well, Trost is fire but your company is better than any other students of TLS. Do you want me to go there after I finish what I have to finish? I miss you too." He asked with a worried voice.

"No, no. I am fine. I promise. Just have fun at Trost okay? Don't mind me. Let's see each other in a few days. I love you." I told him trying not to say, 'yes please come here I miss you', is this because he is my first boyfriend or am I just too in love with him? I want to say yes but I don't wanna ruin his fun at Trost. I am just his girlfriend and he has his freedom to do what he wants. I shouldn't be manipulative.

"Oh, okay. Take care Mikasa. I love you too." When he said 'I love you too', I felt my face heat up. My heart is jumping right now with delight and all I can feel in my stomach are butterflies.

"Goodbye, take care." I said and before he could even say goodbye, I ended the call. I miss him so much. I want to hear his voice but it would just make everything worse. I sighed and decided to take a stroll around Stohess. It would be nice and fun. It would allow me to divert my thoughts from Eren to something else.

While walking around Stohess, a blonde boy appeared in front of me.

"Hey, are you new here?" He asked and I nodded. "I am from Gomez Med School. How about you?" He asked once again.

"I am applying for Stohess School of Business. And also for two more schools like Thorngrace and Xavier. They are both great schools." I said and smiled at him. He is..familiar. "Are you the guy who entered Averdien wearing his Thorngrace uniform? Seriously?" He laughed when I said that.

"Yes. So I guess you are from Averdien before, huh? And you are really dedicated to Stohess and business. All your choices are in Stohess and all of them offer business programs. Goodluck." I thanked him and faced the scenery before me. They also have a river here but they are field with ships and yachts. "You look sad. What's the matter?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just had a talk with my boyfriend earlier. He is at Trost. He is sometimes a dumbass, that Jaeger." I chuckled. He is literally a dumbass at times but he is still my oh-so-handsome boyfriend. I never heard a response from him so I guess I kind of told a lot about Eren.

"Hey, did I make you uncomfortable? I am sorry. I just miss him a lot." I apologized but he said it's okay. We continued chatting until sunset then he said he has to leave already because he is meeting someone.

"Sure, by the way I am Mikasa." I said and offered a shake hand. He accepted it and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Mikasa. I am Armin. See you around I guess?" He released my hand and left. I smiled until a realization hit me. Armin, that is a familiar name. I have heard it somewhere. I can't remember---oh wait.

"Do you have friends?" He asked.

"I only have one. And her name is Sasha. How about you?" I asked him back. Sasha is such a kind woman, and I will always be proud and thankful to have her.

"Armin. But we were slowly drifting apart. I understand him, because I was also the one who pushed him away when he just wanted to help. Does she know about your condition?" He asked again.

His friend. No, his bestfriend. Eren misses him, he just doesn't want to admit it. He misses his bestfriend and I know he would want their friendship to be back to how it used to be. I want to help in any way I can because I care about him but I also don't want to meddle about those things. He might think I am a manipulative girlfriend.


"Can you see the half moon?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it feels incomplete. I wish you are here with me. My birthday is next week." He said and let out a deep sigh. I looked down and slightly tapped my feet on the floor thinking about how we should spend our time together in his birthday.

"I'm sorry. I will try to go home as soon as possible so we can spend it together. Okay? I..I miss you, Eren." I said. It feels so long since I have said I miss you to someone. Well, he came so I have someone to say it to now.

"You don't have to rush things for me, I understand you. Let's just do a facetime and then eat together while doing video calls. I miss you too." I sensed sadness in his voice. He wants me in Trost. I want him in Stohess. We want to be with each other always. I am slowly learning to depend on him that I am scared that maybe someday he will leave me too. And my strength will just fade and I have to rebuild myself again.

"Okay. Goodnight, Eren. Sleep well." I said.

"Goodnight, I love you."

He ended the call and I dozed off to sleep. I need rest after a long day of fixing requirements and missing him.


Thank you for reading and for your kindness towards me and my works. I will never forget how you supported my stories and showered them love.

If you want to achieve something, work hard for it in order to succeed!

*That is my motto in life.*

Y.M Jaeger♡

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