13. Graduation

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I looked around while sitting, looking for someone familiar rather than my classmates. I was expecting he would come. Well, he is not my parent so he is not obligated to come to my graduation. But I told him over text. I am sure he wouldn't be reading that right now for he is at work and he is busy.

"Let us give a round of applause for our this school year's Valedictorian, Mikasa Ackerman." The MC announced. I froze on my seat for a second before I decided to stand and walk up the stage. I gulped. The MC stood on the side while I took his place in front of the podium.

I gulped once again and searched for his figure in the crowd. He is not here. Hw wouldn't make it. I want to run down the stage and run away desperately, full of embarrassment. Everyone is staring at me, and I feel like I am about to cry.

But he appeared. He is there, standing, watching me. He is there. I am sure he is that man who is wearing a black button down shirt and black pants. His sleeves are folded up to his elbows. He made it here...

I suddenly remembered my text. 'Today is my graduation. I am not expecting you but you could come.'

"I am sorry if I consumed about five minutes before getting this speech started. I actually didn't write a script. But I wanted to look cool and smart this graduation. Yasss, we love an unready queen. So I am just gonna say whatever comes to my mind." I said and everyone laughed slightly.

"Highschool is hell." I said and I heard laughter. "Hey, don't laugh. That is what came to my mind first. Not gonna lie, it is indeed true. Well I thought that it was just a phrase used to scare us off every before we enter this highschool chapter of our lives."

"Wait, I am serious about this speech. Let me take a deep breath!" And so I took a deep breath and smiled again. "Okay, so as I just said highschool is hell. It makes most of us want to just drop out. Some would say "I want to stop school I am gonna go tell Mommy and Daddy!" but hey I can still see you sitting here, graduating with us. I have been there before, but I have no Mommy nor Daddy to speak with. Instead, I told it to myself. And I found someone to tell my misery and problems. Sasha Braus. She is the best girl. Honestly, if she is here right now she is the one standing here, saying inspirational things. Well, I am not inspirational, so unlucky."

"Okay, so back to the topic. This is indeed a hard chapter of our lives. But despite all of our pain, tears, exhaustion, depression, loss, and anxiety, we still managed to survive it. We happen to meet new people who will open our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Who will open our eyes to see the beauty of this chapter. Who will help us hear the laughter and hymn of happiness. Who will guide us to our new beginnings. It is either they are early and they were gone like how they came, early. Or meet someone so late that you thought "why didn't I meet you from the start?". We already have dreams, family, friends and selves to keep on going. Yet, God is too kind that He gave us more." Now they weren't laughing but they are listening. Everyone was listening to my words. They are all ears on what I am gonna say. And that made my heart flutter.

"So keep on going and trying. Failing once twice or many times will never mean you will be a failure all your life. Losing someone or something so dear once, twice or many times doesn't mean you will forever be alone." I smiled and felt tears threatening to fall any second.

"We still have a long road to take. We still have a lot to gain and to lose. We still have a lot to fail and to win. We still have a lot to learn. Goodluck, to the futures of our nation." And with that, I ended my small speech. I approached the Founder of our school to get my diploma. And once it is in my hand, I shaked his hand and smiled for a picture. I walked down the stage and instead of going back to my seat, I went to where he was.

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