22. The Right Person

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"Thanks for coming, Ma'am." I greeted a customer nicely before she left. She smiled and thanked me before completely leaving. An employee of mine gave me a glass of water and I gladly accepted it.

"Ma'am, you are the owner of this place. You don't have to work so hard. You are exhaustimg yourself." The youngest employee of mine, said with worry in her eyes. I smiled and patted her head.

"Don't worry. I am so used to this already, by the way I have to go now. I have to meet a friend. So take better care of this place okay?" I said and she nodded. Her co-workers bid their goodbye too as I leave my own cafè.

It has been ten years. It has been so long, and I think I am feeling better than ever. I cane back to Shiganshina for a while to work at the cafè I used to work in back in my highschool days, and when I earned enough, I started my own here in Stohess. It is called "The Nightingale". Well, my cafè has a bar that is only open every night.

My phone rang so I took it from my bag. Annie is calling me. She is probably there already. I answered while starting the engine of my car. I sighed, she is gonna scold me for being late again.

"Hey, where are you? I have been waiting here for ten minutes. Mikasa, be early sometimes!" Knew it. She is gonna scold me. She called me to shout at me. I chuckled and put her on speaker as I put my phone on my phone handle on my car.

"I am sorry, Annie. I just got busy. Don't worry, I am on my way. Why did you decide to meet me on the cafè of SSB? Seriously? We have graduated there years ago. Like, six or five? I don't know anymore." I complained.

"Hey just shut up and drive here. Historia is already here and if you don't get your lazy ass here, I am gonna scold you everyday just to ruin your whole day!" Yeah, she is mad. I have to drive faster than ever. She is true to her words.

"Okay, okay. What is wrong with you? Is Armin making you so angry again? Are you two on the verge of breaking up?" I bet she has problems on her love life again. Well, Armin is a nice guy. But every guy has their imperfections and issues. Maybe Armin has issues too? I don't know, Annie will probably tell me.

"Don't compare my love life to yours. You had five boyfriends in a span of ten years and they all lasted for how many months? Two months! And they all have similarities to---",

"Shut up, shut up." I said and sighed. Five boyfriends in a span of ten years. I can never surpass six months, maybe I am meant to be an old maid. Yeah, that is my destiny. I am already twenty-nine and I still haven't found the right one. Maybe because I am waiting and thinking that no one else could ever be the right one except...no don't worry you'll find the right one soon.

"See? All you can say is shut up? By the way, Historia say hi! I will open my camera, open yours." I did as she said. I opened my camera and she did too. Historia and Annie waved their hands and I only smiled. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as I drive faster.

"I saw how tight your grip is on the steering wheel. Relax, Mikasa." Historia said with her usual calm voice. I sighed and loosened my grip. What is wrong with me? I am the only single one among the three of us. Historia has Ymir, and Annie has Armin.

"I think she is still in love with that Jaeger." I never had the chance to stop Annie's mouth so I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and took a deep breath. She is my friend. Calm down, she is my friend. I am fine. I promise I am fine.

"Okay, Annie why don't you hang up first?" Historia suggested and took Annie's phone then ended the call herself. I continued driving and sighed.


"Mikasa!" Historia waved her hand. I went there and sat beside her. Annie stayed silent and suddenly smiled at me. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I am sorry for mentioning that guy, you know? Gosh, I am sorry just forgive me because I am getting married in six months." Her mouth really never failed to surprise me. This girl. She is getting married. Funny. Wait---is she getting married for real? Like so real?! I looked at her with wide eyes and she showed me her hand. I held her hand and stared at it.

"Congrats, Annie. You are finally getting married. I can't believe it. You are really getting married!" I shouted. I am glad the cafeteria is empty because the students have classes right now. I teared up and shifted on the seat beside her to hug her tightly.

"You two are cute." Historia said and took a picture of us.

"Why are you the one crying? I am the one getting married! I told you I want us to have a double wedding but you can't make a relationship longer than six months!" Annie said. I heard her slightly sobbing so I laughed a little. I released her from the hug and looked at her hand again.

"Well, I am glad it was Armin you are gonna end up with. He courted you for five years, if I were him I would've given up on you." She frowned and shook my hands off hers. "I was just kidding." The three of us laughed and went back to chatting.

"Mikasa, why did you break up with Brian again?" Historia asked. They always ask the same questions every time we meet. I just broke up with my last boyfriend just five months ago and yet, they are still asking me the reason even if they already know.

"I ran out of love and he doesn't talk to me most of the time." I answered and sipped coffee.

"Mikasa don't you think you are being selfish? Like, Brian was okay even if you don't reply to him the whole week, and ran out of love? Mikasa, you just don't love him. You entered a relationship when you don't even feel anything for Brian. It's unfair for him. Don't you think?" Annie sincerely said and Historia slowly nodded her head.

I looked at the both of them. They tell me the same thing every single time.

"Don't say I am wrong, we know you know that Brian has the same eyes as you know who. Marky has the same build as him. Lian has the same fashion sense as him. And the fact that your other two ex boyfriends are Law Students, makes it obvious that you are literally waiting for him even tho you were the one who pushed him away. And the fact that you pushed all your other boyfriends away just makes it obvious that you are not ready for commitment after your break up ten years ago." Historia said. "Well, I support you on breaking up with Lian because he is really an asshole. A total jerk." She continued.

"She has a point, wow Historia I never thought you could talk such sense!" Annie joked. The both of them laughed while I stayed serious. I am not waiting for him. I don't feel anything for him. Like, anything.

"I thought Annie's engagement is gonna be our topic, and not my relationship history." I said and they sat, prim and proper.

"Oh and by the way, here are the invitations for my engagement party on Saturday. Well, it is not bachelorette but engagement party. Wear something black and also a mask. Make it fancy, girls." Annie said and handed us a black envelope. I opened it and took the card out. It is elegant, sophisticated. And the silver and gold details made it even better.

"So, Historia are you in?" Annie asked and she nodded. "How about you Mikasa?" I nodded and she shrieked excitedly.


I came home, looking so tired. We did a lot today to celebrate Annie's engagement. I sat on my couch and covered my face with my palm. I took a deep breath and relaxed my back. I looked around.

This is my prize for myself. A unit. It is a bigger one, actually. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a balcony. I have everything I wished for. A house, a succesful business, a degree, everything. I know I am lacking something, but maybe Historia is right. I am still not ready for commitment.

Maybe I just need more time to be ready and for me to find the right person.


Ten years.

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