SC. Grayson Leigh

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It's raining badly today.

Annie left with Armin, they are gonna go on a date. Armin has been courting her for about two years now. Annie has massive trust issues on men, probably caused by her ex, the Hoover guy. That guy cheated on her for like three times. She forgave him twice and walked out of the relationship the third time.

"Hey, you might get damped by the rain." His uniform is telling me he is from Thorngrace. 

"I don't give a fuck anymore. I just want to go home." I rolled my eyes.

"I am Grayson Leigh from Thorngrace. I am taking Political Science. Then I will transfer to TLS to take Law." He shared. TLS..Eren is from TLS. There are pre-law courses there then he can just go straight into its Law School.

"I am Mikasa Ackerman. I am taking Business Ad. From Stohess School of Business." I introduced myself. "It was nice meeting you." I smiled. When I looked at him, I had to blink twice to see him clearly. Not because my vision is kind of blurry, but because I saw someone else. Not Grayson, but the one I really want to see. I saw Eren in him. Fuck, how am I still so in love with him? How am I still longing for him even if I was the one who ended us? I shouldn't be thinking about him, he probably already has another girl.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You literally blinked twice and stared at me. Do I have something in my face?" He blushed and looked down.

"Sorry. I thought you were someone else." I apologized.

"It's totally okay." He smiled widely. "I have an umbrella. Do you have one too? We can share." He offered. I shook my head and showed him my umbrella. It looks like it's Eren's but it's not. I bought it because it looks like his umbrella. "Okay, Mikasa. See you around." He said and left, holding his umbrella and things.

Fate was a little bit kind to us. We would randomly see each other while crossing the streets, eating, I even often see him in arcades with his friends. But what really made us connect more was when there was a basketball competition between our schools, and he is a photographer. He reminds me of Eren by the way he moves and talks. We became closer when we ate lunch together. 

That is where it all started. We exchanged numbers and talked for hours. And then, I felt it again. I felt the same with Iuhence. Up to this day, no one hasn't surpassed what I felt for Eren. Grayson and I were together most of the time. We sometimes eat lunch with Armin and Annie. We also hang out in the nearest park. He also takes me to parties of Thorngrace. I don't know if I loved him. Maybe I did but my love for Eren will just remain unbeatable. Maybe I loved him but I was just so in love with someone else.

"Mika, let me borrow your phone." He said and I agreed. I gave him my phone before sitting on my swivel chair in front of my study desk. "Who is this guy?" He asked. I stood up and took my phone from him. It's my picture with Eren on my highschool graduation day. 

"Why did you open my gallery? It's supposed to be private." I frowned.

"I am your boyfriend. I can go through your gallery even without your permission." He talked back. What in the toxic shit is this? We are just together for a month and he's already showing that side of him?

"No. This is still private. You are just my boyfriend so you don't have the right to go through my private space like that." I really thought he's good at arguments because he is a future lawyer. I overestimated him. He's just pure toxic and childish. "And the guy? He's my ex-boyfriend. Eren Jaeger." I said.

I was shocked when his eyes softened. "You're still in love with him, aren't you?" He asked.

"I am sorry. It's the only thing I can say. I am sorry, Gray." I gulped. He stood up and wore his backpack.

"Highschool grad day so I suppose it's already more than two years ago. It has been so long and it's still him. What about me, Mika? If he's still in you heart then where am I? You should've told me earlier in that way, I wouldn't have fallen for you." A tear escaped his eye. "Let's end this." That was his last words before we completely lost connection.



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