14. Damages and Photographs

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A/N : The previous Chapter Fourteen was deleted due to personal problems. I am sorry, guys. But lately I have been going through something. Stress, and academic pressure. That I have also doubted my skills as an author, so I decided to re-write Chapter Fourteen to give myself comfort.

"Thank you for your efforts. I really appreciate it, Eren." I said and smiled at him. He only smiled back at me, grabbed my arm and guided me inside an aesthetic tent. It looks nice and comfy. But I just can't help but wonder, how did he prepare all of this in just hours?

"How did you prepare this so easily and fastly? Like, Eren you were at work when I sent you a message. Yes you might went home to dress up but it is impossible to do this in a short period of time. We were together the whole day!" I said, amusement---both seen in our face. He is probably amused due to the multiple questions I was asking him since earlier like we are at Vogue's seventy-three questions segment. And I am amused by how he did this.

"It was supposed to be for the 30th of March but your graduation is far more important than that. I mean, we are celebrating your achievements as a valedictorian! Do you know how proud I am like I am the one paying off your tuition and all but I am just a moral support?" We both laughed as curiosity took me in.

"What is up on March Thirty? Is it something to be celebrated? Tell me, I am curious. I need answers right now." I demanded.

"My birthday."

"What?!" Okay, my reaction is a bit exaggerated. Well, I have the right because he just threw of his birthday celebration just for me. And I think it's basically too much. I appreciate it, I really do. But how about him?

"You are so selfless. Why would you reschedule it just for my dumb graduation? Eren, you don't have to exert much effort in making me feel comfortable or happy. Because binge-watching, and eating pizza while sitting on a wooden floor is already enough for me." I said and smiled at him. "Why do you have to do this for me?"

"I want to make you feel so happy. I am not forgetting myself don't worry. Besides, I can just book one again. Or we can celebrate my birthday by going for a roadtrip to Marley?" He suggested. Well, Marley is a nice vacation spot.

"Sure we will!" I agreed to his terms and smiled. We started a bonfire outside the tent and started playing modern songs from his phone. We both danced in front of the fire and followed the rhythm of every beat whatever song was playing.

It was just a simple aesthetic tent and a bonfire outside his small cottage but we are happy. These things will always have a special spot in my mind, and in my heart. We laughed and all. We were dancing our lives out on a rock song until James Arthur's song, 'Say You Won't Let Go', played from his phone.

I met you in the dark.
You lit me up.
You made me feel as though,
I was enough.

"Well, this isn't really a slow song but we can dance to it. Slowly." He said and held my hand before holding waist as I put my hands on his shoulder. We are still wearing the clothes we were wearing from my graduation earlier up to now.

We danced the night away.
We drank too much.
I held your hair back up when,
you were throwing up.

"I love dancing with you. In a parking lot, or in a public beach in front of a bonfire. I love doing this with you." He smiled at my statement and held me tighter.

Then you smiled over your shoulder.
For a minute I was
stone cold sober.
I pulled you closer to my chest.

Then you asked me
to stay over.
I said I already told you,
I think you need to get some rest.

He scooted me closer to his chest, we are now hugging while dancing in front of a blazing fire. Sharing each others' warmth through warm gestures. I leaned my head on his chest while he placed his head on top of mine.

I knew I loved you then,
but you'd never know.
Cause I played it cool,
when I was scared of letting go.

I knew I needed you,
but I never showed.
But I wanna stay with you,
until we're grey and old.

He removed his grip from me and took a box. He handed it to me and smiled. The somg still continued on playing as I was opening the box. A photo album...

I opened it and saw compilations of my stolen solo pics, even our pictures together were present. I smiled at it, and slightly teared up.

"You look so beautiful. And you always look gorgeous unintentionally. So if you don't appreciate yourself at times, look at this and remembered that I am here who did so much effort to take pictures of a beatiful sight in front of me named Mikasa Ackerman." He smiled. I smiled too, tears are now falling in a continuous manner.

"You kept a lot of photographs of me." I said and he nodded.

"You are even more beautiful in person than in those pictures, tho." He said and looked at my eyes. I looked at his too, and saw adoration in it.

"I promise, there was no day I never wondered how does it feel to be loved by an Ackerman? How would your lips feel against mine? And I guess, there won't be a loss if we try." And there, he leaned in for a kiss. I never wasted a second and immediately kissed back. It felt like we have always wanted to share this intimacy before. And all the bottled feelings exploded tonight. I would never regret to go further.

But, why me? Why a damaged woman like me? He deserves more.


I am sorry about such inconvenience I caused. I deleted a part to rewrite it! This actually made me feel a little better. Thank you for your uttermost consideration.

P.S : Say You Won't Let Go is actually the inspiration for this story so it became like a sort of theme song to it.

Y.M Jaeger♡

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