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Seventh year of Hogwards what can possibly go wrong Lily said goodbye to her mum and ran through the wall

She boarded the train and went straight to the last compartment she didn't want to talk to anyone just wanted to be alone

"No way!!" The door opened with a bang and in walked Remus with Peter trailing behind him

"Oh looks like this is taken" he said and turned around

"Remus it's alright you boys can stay..I was leaving anyway" lily said and walked out

"Evans" Sirius said and gave her a nod as she walked out the compartment

"Sirius" she mumbled but he grabbed her arm and stopped her

"Everything alright??" He asked brows furrowing looking at the girl he noted that she looked pale , sleep deprived

"Yeah everything's fine....why would you assume it wasn't?" Lily asked mumbling quickly

"It's just you called me Sirius" he said and watched as her eyes widened slightly


"I got the last chocolate frog!!" A strikingly familiar voice yelled from down the corridor followed by quick footsteps

Oh dear Merlin

James Potter.....the one person she was fully trying to avoid was standing in front of her with his usual lopsided grin

"Oh hey Evans!!" James said and smirked at her

"James" Lily said as acknowledgement and brushed past them

She walked a few spaces down unti she found an empty compartment and settled down in it and looked out the window it was going to be a long year

Lily's father passed away two weeks ago and like every other thing since she was 11 Petunia blamed it on her

Lily didn't realize she had been crying until she let a sob out and felt tears pooling in her eyes

"Hey Lily I-"

"You alright??" She quickly wiped her tears and looked up to see Remus standing there with a concerned look

"Yeah just leaving home blues" Lily said with a smile he looked at her for a second and then spoke again

"I was wondering if you wanted a peice" he said and held out his chocolate bar

"Ohh I'm alright thanks for asking" Lily  said and smiled at him he nodded and turned away but then turned around again

"Would you like to come sit with us??" He asked

"I mean you don't have too it's just you seem lonely here" he said

"No that's alright I wouldn't want to impose on your fun" Lily said and shrugged

"Nonsense C'mon" he said and dragged her out

"Guys!! I brought along a friend!!" Remus said as they entered the compartment

"Hiya Lily!!" Peter said and smiled

"Hi Pete" Lily said and looked at around awkwardly

"Have a seat Evans" Sirius said shoving James into the wall and moving making room for her next to him by the window

"Thanks" Lily mumbled and sat down hoping some sort of a miracle would occur and save her

"How was everyone's holidays??" Remus asked

"Well James and I may or may not have succeeded in fixing the motorcycle" Sirius said with a grin

"That's good!" Peter said looking interested

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