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The week had finally ended they had a hogsmead trip the next day which Lily was looking forward to

"Lily!!" She heard as she walked to the Gryffindor common room and saw a panicked Remus there

"Hi Rem" she said as she reached him

"I don't know how to say this but um-someone may have punched someone" he said

"Wha- who was the Snape wh-

"No more like James punched Sirius and he did the same"

"Wha- why??"

"Haha my nose still hurts" they turned around to see the two blokes walking in holding their noses

"Oi Evans you should have seen it!! It was epic!! Minnie was like were are you off too?? And we were like to poppy and she went who's hurt the-

"They looked at each other and couldn't decided who would be injured s-

"So I punched Prongsie and he punched me back" Sirius said and let out a chuckle but stopped when Lily glared at him

"And where may I ask were you actually off too before Minnie caught you??'' Lily asked cocking an eyebrow just as James was about to answer

"LILS!!" A very out of breath Marlene ran into the common room

"ALE- NOTT-YOU!!" She said and then took a few deep breaths

"Dorcas told me that Alex Nott is looking for you!!" She said and squealed and Lily gave her a glare and she clamped her hands over her mouth

"Nott??" Sirius asked Marlene was about to answer but closed her mouth when Lily glared at her

"We're assigned partners for I better go" lily said and walked out

After Lily walked out all heads turned to Marlene who was very out of breath

"Fuck!!" Marlene said and collapsed into the armchair and nearly on Peter's lap

"Eeeee" Peter let out and squeal and jumped up

"Ohh save it worms!! It's about the only action your going to get" she said and sat up then realized that the four were looking at her with questioning looks

"Oh would you look at the ti-

"Save it" Sirius and leaned down placing his hands on the arms of the chair trapping her there

James looked at Remus and they shared a knowing smirk while Peter hid his smiling face behind his hands

"What did Nott want with Evans??" Sirius asked and Marlene looked around before letting out a deep breath

"Their partners" she said and leaned closer the Sirius equally matching his glare

"Your lying" Sirius said narrowing his eyes and moving closer to her

"Am I?? Yo moons you were there" Marlene said and looked at Remus

"Uh-she's actually not lying" Remus said and scratched the back of his neck

"See!! NOW.GET.OUT.OF.MY.FACE!!" Marlene said attempting to stand up

"No your telling the whole truth and till you do I'm not moving!!" Sirius said and leaned closer

"Tell me" he whispered near her ear and the sexual tension between the blonde girl and the grey eyed boy was evident to everyone around

"Should we be here??" Peter whispered

"Never in a million years!!" Marlene said slid out from under Sirius' arm but he grabbed her waist pulling her back flush against his front

"Marls!! They snogged!!!"Dorcas yelled as she ran through the door


"Lily an- James!" She said as she turned to face the boy

"She snogged Nott?" James asked

"I-i'm sorry James" Marlene said as she pushed Sirius off and wrapped him in a hug

"I'm gonna take a walk" James said and headed for the door he heard someone call after him but continued walking

Everyone stood in silence not knowing what to say as James walked out and then Lily walked in causing Sirius' eyes to narrow at the girl

"Hey where's James??" Lily asked looking around the room


"She asked me about the assignment" Lily said

"She??" Remus asked

"Yeah Alexa Nott"

"Wait you were with Lexi??" Marlene asked

"Yeah Lexi Nott the Ravenclaw"

"So you didn't snog Alexander??" Peter asked

"Wha- who said I snogged Alex he was all over that girl Ivy"

"Oh- we may have misunderstood" Sirius said sheepishly and lily looked at him rather mortified

"You see Dorcas may have seen the back of Ivy's head and thought it was  you" Marlene said from where she was hidden by Sirius

"What?? You guys know I would never snog anyone especially now that I like ja-" Lily immediately clamped her hands over her mouth and looked at the group with wide eyes

"You like prongs" Sirius said and held an accusatory finger

"Wha- No I don' I have to go finish my homework" she said and walked away

"She likes prongs??" Sirius asked looking over his shoulder at Marlene who rested her chin on shoulder

"Yeah" she said and looked at him

Lily's thoughts raced as she walked through the halls to her common room she walked to the portrait door and saw him sitting by the fire back to her


"What?? What do you Evans??" He snapped and turned around to face her

"I um wante-

"I know!! And you know what honestly it's fine Lily!! I really don't care snog who you want!!" He yelled standing up looking down at her from his towering height

"I'm done waiting for you Lily I'm done being stupid just don't expect me to be here when he walks out!!" He yelled and walked past he to his room slamming the door with a bang

Lily felt tears rimming her eyes she walked to her bedroom and shut the door behind her before she broke down

James couldn't stand to listen to her sobs , he got to his feet grabbing his coat and walked out to the black lake

He couldn't believe it she kissed Alexander Nott just when he thought they moved two steps forward from the friend zone

First Snivellus now Nott
Great just great

''Prongs!!" He turned around to see Sirius and Marlene walking to him

"Evans sh-

"No!! NO I'M DONE WAITING AROUND FOR EVANS!" He said and they turned quite

"Where is she??" Marlene asked

"In her room......crying" James mumbled  and looked anywhere but Marlene

"And you walked out!!?? JAMES POTTER YOU ARE A ARSE!!! NAY AN EGOTISTICAL ARROGANT TOE-RAG!!" Marlene yelled and walked away

"Prongs Lily sh-




"Fine I'll leave the arrogant bitch alone!!! when my brother comes back ask him to come see me!!" Sirius yelled and walked away from James

James sat there for the ride of the evening and came to his final conclusion he was done falling for Lily Evans


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