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After her morning classes lily made her way to the dining hall and when she got there she saw everyone already in conversation but James and Marlene were no where 

"Where's James??" She asked as she reached the table and sat next to Sirius

"I was about to ask you the same thing" he said and then realisation hit him


"LILY!!" The group turned around to see Mary Mcdonald

"James and Severus are out in the courtyard it's not looking good" she said taking deep breaths

Lily looked at Sirius with a knowing look and took off running leaving behind a confused group at the table

When they turned the corner to the courtyard they saw James and Severus in each other's face one daring the other to move

"Supefy!!" Snape yelled

A word less fight started Severus was knocked back quite a few times and then with a flick of his wand a gash appeared right across James' face and it reminded Lily of fifth year

He stumbled back and next there was a gash across his chest

"EXPILIAMUS!!" James yelled and Severus was left defenseless but James stumbled back

Severus mumbled something under his breath and he charged at James who punched him square in the jaw and pinned him to the ground

"STOP!!!" Lily yelled and both their heads whipped towards her both of them scrambled to their feet

"Fifty points from each house for fighting and use of magic in the corridor!!" She said and everyone around let out gasps

"SNAPE GO TO MADAM POMFREY" she said he looked at me like she physically hit him


"JUST GO!! ALL OF YOU GET TO CLASS BEFORE I TAKE AWAY MORE POINTS FROM YOU!!" She yelled and everyone quickly shuffled down the hall



"TO FAR HE STARTED IT!!" He said and pointed at James who could barely stand


"DON'T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN YOUR ALONE!!" Snape yelled and brushed past Lily

Lily quickly walked up to James and he collapsed onto her

"I'm sorry" he said into her shoulder

"Shh...let's get you to Poppy yeah??"

"Siri a little help" Lily said and Sirius who was glaring at Snape

Sirius walked over and drapped one of his James' arms around his shoulder while Lily did the same with his other

They walked down the corridor and were about to turn when they were met with a loud gasp

"OH MERLIN!!" Marlene yelled and Remus stood behind her wide eyed

"James!!" Remus said and slowly replaced Lily

They quickly walked to the hospital wing Pomfrey said that there was no permanent damage done she told Lily to wait outside while she did her job

Dumbledore came to see what happened he asked the group but they couldn't answer because they didn't really know what happened

Everyone was sent to class while Lily nervously paced in front of the door

"You choose him" A voice said from behind her , she turned around with narrowed eyes to see Snape

"Even after everything he's done after he broke your promise you chose him!!"

"Don't you dare say that!!! I chose you for five years and you threw it in my face!!! You broke a promise much bigger than this!! And the things you've done is nothing compared to what he's done!!" Lily said tears rimming her eyes

"You hurt him Severus and not like anything before!!You used dark magic!!" Lily yelled keeping her voice level remembering Madam Pomfrey was in the next room

Snape's face fell as he stared at her in silence

"You made it clear fifth year you want nothing to do with me and I don't want anything to do with you either" she said as he was about to respond the door opened

"Lily" Pomfrey called from inside the wing , Lily walked in closing the door behind her without a glance at Snape

"He's okay He's had injuries far worse than this" Pomfrey said with a smile reassuring the girl

"But because he's got a gash in the same place twice this time deeper it may leave a permanent scar nothing like Remus' but a scar" she said before she disappeared somewhere

Lily walked to see him sitting at the foot of a bed putting his shoe on

"Hey Evans" he looked at her with two bandages on his face

Lily didn't say anything she just walked up to him and threw her arms around his neck he let out a chuckle and wrapped his arms around her waist

And then she did it she finally let the tears she was holding back fall burying her face in his shoulder

"'s alright Evans....I'm right here" James whispered and rubbed her back

"It's alright..." he reassured her tightening his grip on her

After they got kicked out by Pomfrey the pair did their rounds in a comfortable silence until James spoke up

"Hey about today...I know I promi-

"It's okay it doesn't matter anymore" Luly said cutting him off

James stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed her arm turning her to face him

"Evans I know your already doing this and I'm not trying to tell you what to do but....Stay away from him please the magic he used today was dark magic a-"

Lily cut him off by hugging him after a moment he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head

"Everyone's leaving!! Everyone's leaving me" she said barely above a whisper as she hid her face in his chest

"Your wrong Evans....the boys,Marlene, Alice, Longbottom.......their all here.......I'm here" he said and tilted her chin upwards

"Promise you'll stay?"

"Forever" he said and kissed her forehead

"Good because I loath you James Potter!!" She said and buttoned up the two open buttons by his collar

"But I can't lose you...." she said and looked at him

"I'm not going anywhere Evans" he said and smiled at her

"Good because I don't think Remus can handle padfoot's many mood swings" she said with a smile

"Haha see I am important" he said as they walked down the halls

"For Snape to keep getting his arse whooped" James mumbled under his breath only to be punched in the arm by Lily

"Ouch!! You hurt me more than any evil spell ca-OW!!" James glared at her and rubbed his arm and turned to face a fuming lily

"To soon??" He asked she just smirked at him and walked ahead

"Last one to the common room is flobberworm!!'' She yelled and took off down the hall

James stood looking the girl in front of him , in that mom he knew whether it was now or whenever Lily Evans was going to be his forever


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