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May had arrived and Hogwards was abuzz the seventh years were soon to graduate and while at hogwards everyone was safe the outside world wasn't fairing well

"I hate this!" Marlene huffed tossing the daily prophet aside

"I hate that there's nothing we can do!! I feels so useless....we're all seventeen I don't see why we have to sit here"


"I know I know!!"

The group of Gryffindor's and Mary Mcdonald sat in the courtyard just enjoying the time they had left

''I'm nervous about my results I'm never nervous about results" Frank  said as he grabbed a handful of grass tossing it aside

"Hey! First time for everything" Remus said looking up from his book

"I'm gonna miss this" James said looking at the group

James sat against the tree with Lily by his side , Peter laying on his stomach by their feet , Remus and Mary sat on a blanket with Docras lying on her back looking at the sky to James right "Snuffles" lay curled around Marlene who sat opposite Frank and Alice

"Tell me about it" Sirius mumbled turning back into himself and wrapping his arm around Marlene

"We should take a picture" Docras said making everyone give her a look

Docras Meadows did not like pictures

"What!? As much as I hate it I actually do like you lot"

"I know! Alexandra!!" James yelled getting the attention of the Gryffindor girl

Alexandra Jules was a fifth year Gryffindor who was always seen walking around with her camera

"Yes Potter"

"Can we get a picture??"


James looked around the group and smiled at the mess they were

"Like this" he said with a smile

Alexandra nodded and took an step back before a flash went off making Peter wake from his sleep

"Wha- stop laughing!!"

"Oh Pete I'm gonna miss you mate"

"I'll have to picture to you inthe evening Potter"

"Thanks Lexi" Lily said with a smile


The group turned around to see Minerva walking towards them

"What's up Minnie?"

"Professor Dumbledore would like to have a word with you all- you too Miss Mcdonald" Minerva said

The group of teens followed her approach discussing among themselves

"Lemon sherbert"

Albus Dumbledore stood in front of his table hands behind his back as he heard footsteps

"Ah our finest seventh years" he said looking at them

"Hello Professor"

"There's something I would like to discuss with all of you"

James and Sirius shared a look buy Remus beat them to it

"We haven't do-

"Your not I trouble Mr Lupin" Dumbledore said reassuring him

Minerva sighed before walking out leaving the group behind

"As you know Voldemort has gained a large number of followers and he is a rather powerful wizard the ministry has chosen to ignore the inevitable-

"So it's true then?? There's going to be a war?" Docras asked

"Yes Miss Meadows yes there is"

"I'm sorry sir but what are we meant to do?? We're still in school" Frank said

"I'm aware Mr Longbottom but all of you are of age or are going to be of age and I would like to know if you would be apart of the order" Dumbledore said holding out a peice of parchment

"The order??" Lily asked

"The order of the phoenix" Sirius said gaining the attention of everyone

"Bella didn't like it very much I didn't know you were involved with it"

"Well I did start it" Dumbledore said

"So wait uou want us to join your order?? To stop Voldemort??" Alice asked

"Yes I know the world outside is scary but i-

"Yes!" Everyone turned around to face Marlene


"The ministry is doing absolutely nothing about it! There is the war out there and we're stuck here!! Atleast with the order we can do something" Marlene said walking up to the desk

"Marlene's right" Mary said walking toward the desk

"Well I for one am not afraid of Voldemort" Docras said and Remus followed her

"I'm in" Sirius said

"Me too" James said Alice and Frank following him

Lily and Peter we're the only one's who stayed back

Everyone in the group were excellent at dueling and Defence but Lily wasn't

"We could use a few healers to Miss Evans"

"Yeah C'mon Lil"

Lily looked at the group then hesitantly wrote her name down

"C'mon Pete! What are you waiting for?? A invitation coz you already got one"

"I'm waiting for Lily to finish" Peter said glaring at Sirius

"Welcome to the order of the phoenix"

Thanks for reading guys

Kinda a filler chapter

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