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The seventh year group of girls along with Mary Mcdonald made their way to the dining room

"Morning ya oafs!!" Marlene said as she sat down next to Remus

"Morning" James replied mouth full with toast

"That's disgusting!" Dorcas said and Sirius scoffed in response stuffing two slices of toast in his mouth and then proceeding to choke

"That's breakfast ruined" Lily said putting her muffin back while the table nodded in agreement

"So anyone going stag for the dance??" Sirius asked and Marlene shrugged in response

"We should get going" Dorcas said the group following her out of the hall

The marauders after finishing their first two classes ended up on the shores of the black lake along with an unexpected companion

"Mate you know you always have us right! I know I've said this over the corse of the last 7 years but I mean it your always welcome"

"I- thanks but I can't-


Regulus nodded his head and looked at the lake in front of him tossing the stone he had in his hand

"I can't leave Sirius!! It's not that easy"

"And getting the dark mark is??!" Remus asked

"I- look I have to stay okay.......I know you won't believe me but when you felt she broke and if I leave....

"Wait Walburga cried??" James asked sitting up and looking at the younger Slytherin boy

Regulus nodded and looked at the ground before looking back at the marauders

''I appreciate you lads being concerned but I'm fine......I'll make it through" Regulus said his tone somehow conveying that he himself found it hard to believe his words

"I should go i have portions" Regulus said looking at Sirius who nodded

"See ya Reggie" Remus said as the boy waved at the ground once before disappearing into the castle

"So I have something to say"


Evening had arrived Marlene had found Lily in conversation with Ivy Parkinson in the library but the conversation abruptly ended when she arrived

"Bye Evans.....mattresses"

"What was that about?" Marlene asked looking at the red head

"She had a few questions about portions and Slughorn asked me to help so.."

Marlene looked at lily who seemed over anxious as she packed her bag

"You okay??"

"Y-yeah I'm fine"

The two girls made conversation as they made their way to the heads common room

The second they walked through the door she was met by fuming marauders and Frank along with the rest of the girls who were doing everything to avoid Marlene and Lily's gaze

"We're you ever going to tell us?? ME!!" Sirius yelled

"Tell you what??"

"PARKINSON!! MARLENE " James yelled

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