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The dance was a few days away and the two groups still did everything they could to avoid each other

Lily and James while still together were not together , Marlene and Sirius had long talk and officially became the biggest ''item" at hogwards

Lily was running around the castle finishing up last minute things before the dance

Lily stood in the library returning some books and borrowing a few she would take home with her

"Well well well.......if it isn't Lily Evans"

Lily let out a sigh before turning around

"What do you want??"

''Just wanted to tell you good know it's for the best"

"Yeah" Lily replied half heartedly turning the pages of the book she was holding

"Don't pout.....this way everyone walks away and no one gets hurt"

''Yeah no one" Lily replied closing the book and placing it back in the shelf


"Why is this so important anyway??"

"Because Evans this war is bigger than blood status I know I seem like the bad guy but you'll thank me one day"

"Why can't you tell me the whole thing again??"

"I can't......listen you have to be careful everyone's involved in this war whether we like it or not and some people don't even have a choice"

Lily nodded her head in response

"I mean it I'm just looking out for you"


"Because.......keep this up Evans it's for the best"

Lily nodded and with a sigh before mumbling a okay

"See you around"

Lily leaned against the bookshelf and let out a sigh she hated being away from James but it was for the best

She turned around and nearly jumped out of her skin , James leaned against the shelf and flipped through a book

"For MERLIN'S sake Potter!! You nearly killed me!!" She said James smirked as he followed her out the library

''Sorry Evans......but your awfully jumpy lately" James said as the two fell into step next to each other

"No! You just scared me" she said still avoiding his gaze

James sighed and nodded as the walked down the stairs , they turned the corner to the heads

"Lily! Lily! Jamie!!''

The pair turned around to see Anthony a first year Gryffindor running their way

"Hi Anthony" Lily said as the boy stood in front of them

"Sooooooo.......Christmas break is tomorrow........I'm not going home but I know you are so.....

The younger boy held out a card

"I know the two of you are as Marlene said "more than friends because they've seen more than friends" I made you guys this"

"Thanks Mate" James said and ruffled the boys hair as he hugged Lily

"Bye!!" He yelled hugging James before running off

Lily looked at the card it had a drawing of James and herself, Lily always found herself impressed by Anthony's drawing skills even though he was young you was an excellent artist

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