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⚠️TW - self harm⚠️

Lily woke up with the sun hitting her face she turned around and buried her face into the pillow which she soon realized was not a pillow

She looked up to see James sleeping he looked so peaceful hair messy as always......the events of last night hit her  like a brick wall

She turned back around and looked outside the window

She had let James touch her like no one else did , they didn't have sex but they did other things

She remembered feeling overwhelmed by emotions,  seeing stars and she remembered being on her knees at one point

She felt two arms wrap around her waist and a kiss being placed on her head

"Morning" James mumbled his voice still hoarse because of sleep

"Morning" she said and turned around to face him

"I could get used to this" he said and buried his face into her shoulder

"I love you" Lily said running my hand through his hair

"I love you too Evans" he said and pulled her closer

"Should we knock??"

"Let's just go in"

"NO!! what if their naked??"

"Nothing I haven't seen"


James let out a chuckle before kissing Lily

"Stay in bed" he said and got up picking up a pair of sweatpants


"You have a lovely bum" she said and bit her lip

"It's the squats" he said and smiled before leaving the room

"My man!!"

"James!! Shirt!!"

"Oh shove it McKinnon!!"

"I'm going to die a virgin"

"Hehe you and me both Remus"

"Yeah that's very reassuring pete"

"Where are we goin-"

Silence enveloped the area Lily leaned over the bed and picked up James' Quittich jersey and put it on

"Looking good Evans"

Lily looked up to see him leaning against the doorframe with two mugs in his hands

"Or should I say Potter??" He asked smirking

"One day...maybe" she said as he handed her a mug and sat down

"You saying you'll marry me Evans??"


"No....there's no maybe you will"

"What makes you so sure??" She asked resting my head on his shoulder

"Because it's either you or no one" he said and looked at her

"Good....because it's either you or no one" she said and kissed his jaw

"Not even Snape??"

"Ugh!!" Lily groaned and he let out a laugh


They made their way to the hall , Lily suddenly felt insecure , she was in James' jersey and a pair of jeans and the stares she was getting made her uneasy

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