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Lily and James had their baby....a boy Sirius was on the run , Remus was Docras , Frank and Alice were still hidden away and Peter had just lost his mum in an attack


Lily sat at the table drinking her tea while reading a letter Sirius had sent to her

James was upstairs in the nursery with their son

Harry......Harry James Potter

Dear Lily

I've taken refuge in the old Black estate in France , Alphard's old house....I don't know where he is....or Andy she stopped writing about a month ago

I was ambushed about five miles away from Guant Mannor , that's where he has his meetings , a group of death eaters trailed me I lost them on the outskirts of Paris

It was the same group , Barty , Evan , Avery, Mulciber , Lucius and Bella but believe it or not I think Bella let me off....and no , HE was not there....mother's paid quite an amount to keep the name on the missing persons list

Enough about me

Wish Harry a happy birthday for me Yeah.....I'm glad he liked his gift save a picture for me

And don't worry about the amount.....I'm the little Prongsie's dogfather I'm meant to spoil him

I have to go....Bella and the rest are in Paris which means I have about three hours to disappear

Stay safe Evans....all of you , give James my love and Harry give him a hug for me Yeah

Don't write back until I do

The disappearance of Regulus was strange , two years....they had funeral the Black family but his name still stays on the prophet in case someone saw him it had hit Sirius really bad


James stood in the doorway and looked over at her

"Evans is everything alright??" James asked softly crouching down beside her chair looking up at her

"Yeah , I'm fine...Sirius he...wrote...he said to give you his love and that he misses home" Lily said with a smile

"He's safe then??"

"Not entirely....but he'll be fine" Lily said standing up


"I know you have to go...just be careful Yeah?"

"I will....Harry's asleep he'll be out till morning...kee-

"My wand on me at all times I know.."

James nodded as he shrugged his jacket on and looked over at Lily

"Come back home to me"



Snatchers ran through the woods , big steps trying to keep up

Docras Meadows ran she waa spying,  listening in on a meeting when Greyback spotted her

Her first response was to go and she did , she apperated to a field somewhere in the countryside and ran straight for the woods

Spells shot her way and she swerved out of the way , shooting spells over her shoulder when she was hit square in the chest by a stunner which sent her flying back

Through her blurred vision she saw a figure a familiar one

"Pete...- ru- P-

A tall dark figure walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder

"Excellent Wormtail....excellent"

Shivers ran down her spine, footsteps approaching gave her time to get to her feet

She was surrounded on all sides and in front of her Peter Pettigrew stood with his wand raised pointed at her

"This is the infamous Docras Meadows??" The man asked silence followed

"Yes my lord" one of the snatchers said

"You imbeciles have spent years chasing after a child!! A little girl?? Is she so hard to kill??"

Docras grabbed her wand shooting a spell to her right knocking a few snatchers before she took off running again

A clearing....she stopped and looked dove rher shoulder she wasn't followed she had to get back to the order Peter was a death eater....she had to tell them

A spell flew past her making her turn around just in time to come face to face with the man......Voldemort

"My death eaters who are very competent if I might add have had trouble hunting you down.....and when they seem to get them hurt.....I thought I should test that out myself"

A duel at broke out and Voldemort himself found it a challenge for a 19 year old to be able to go toe to toe with him

Cold metal cutting through her side....was what she felt....he was a powerful wizard the dagger in her side was conjured from dark magic

"The thing is Docras Meadows your an excellent witch but.....I'am simply Lord Voldemort....however your life is not mine to take" Voldemort said stepping aside

"Pete...Peter please....Pete it not too late...Pet-

"Aveda Kedevra!!"



irius had managed to evade the death eaters again this time by merely hiding in an alley

"THAT BASTARD!!!" Bellatrix screeched

"Now Bella" Lucius said

"Let's go th-

A pop interrupted the conversation

"Well well well if it isn't baby Nott" Bellatrix said

"She's dead"


"That Docras Meadows.....she dulled with the dark lord and I must say......that Peter Pettigrew I had my doubts but the lad pulled through"

"Peter Pettigrew??"

"Yes Little Peter Pettigrew killed Docras Meadows and if my sources are right which they are.....he knows where Potter and his mudblood are hiding"

The clattering of objects before a pop brought their attention back


"Never mind....the lord asked you to get the time we done it will be done"

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Happy new year
Hope you guys have a wonderful year thanks for the support

Sorry for the late updates

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