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Lily let go of James' hand and ran towards her house , the house itself seemed untouched

Lily stopped by the paramedics who were crowded around a stretcher


Lily froze she felt her knees give out as she was about to hit the ground arms wrapped themselves around her

Marie Evans lay unmoving on the stretcher while paramedics gave Lily and Petunia a sorrowful nod

"No no no!! MUM!! Mu-

James held her to his chest and against his judgment he held his arm out for Petunia who surprised all of them by taking it


The holidays had ended and with special permission Lily had gone back home

"So your really moving?"

"I don't want to stay in the house my mother was murdered"


"I don't know what's happening in that freak world of yours but I don't want my husband dead next!!"

Lily nodded as wiped her eyes as Petunia put the last picture frame into a box

"Here.......only if absolutely necessary" she said handing Lily a peice of paper

Lily took it and hugged Petunia

"Please be careful......I love you"

Petunia nodded and pulled away grabbing her box and walking to the drive where Vernon had parked his car


The marauders sat in their dorm room looking around

"Damn this is our last few months here" Sirius said with a sigh

"Some seven years huh"

"Hey we still have five months to go"

The door opened and a grinning Frank walked in

"What's got you so cheery"

"Well......I asked Alice to marry me!"

"That's bloody brilliant!!" James said getting up and congratulating Frank , the boys following

"You can't tell anyone though we're kinda keeping it to ourselves at least till we graduate"

"I can't believe this.... lily and James are together, Frank and Alice are together, Sirius and Marlene are together and me and Pete are happy for you" Remus said with a smile

"Aw! Your not alone Remus John Lupin you have us" Sirius said

"Yeah! Your our moony and wormtail we're family!" Frank said

"Ohh get in here!" James said grabbing them all while tearing up

"Oh for gosh sake prongs!"


Short chapter
Hogwards I'd ending soon

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