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James Potter was furious and the whole of hogwards knew it

It was evening and Lily sat in the almost empty courtyard finishing the last of her transfiguration homework


The girl whipped around and instantly frowned before turning back around

"Lily please listen to me"

"Why you have nothing to do with me" Lily huffed as she pushed the last of books back into her bag

"Listen to me!"

Lily arm was gripped so hard she thought it would snap

"Let me go Severus!!" She yelled aa he pulled her closer to him

"He's ruined you!! I can see it!!" Snape yelled pushing her into the wall.

"Severus let me go" Lily said in a stern voice causing him to let out a low chuckle

"Oh my sweet sweet Lily I told you he was going to hurt you......did he make you do it?? He forced you to do it didn't he?? He is the most arrogant person strutting around the castle with his group of fangirls....when are you going to get it?? You were interesting when you were being chased it was thrilling almost , but now?? He's done with you"

"I mean look at you a boy like him fall for a flabby looking mudvlood like you?? Your freckles and that flity hair......why would he want you?? He can have any good looking pureblood face it Lily......he's used you for his purpose and now he's done with you"

Snape moved closer to her and Lily could smell the firewhiskey on his breath

In one swift motion a loud smack echoed through the now empty courtyard

Snape stumbled a few steps back and a wand was held under his chin , poking into his jugular

"James didn't force me into anything!! How dare you assume that....... and he is a perfect gentleman and don't you ever say a ill word about him Snape!!

"I love him with me while entire heart!! James Potter not was always him! The only reason it took so long was because of back to your cave Snivellus and stay away from me!!"

Lily shoved him once for good measures before walking down the corridor

At the other end of the corridor James stood behind the wall , he had heard the whole ordeal and was about to intervene when Snape had moved closer Lily but then he heard the smack

James walked down the hall as Snape paced back and forth mumbling to himself how much he loathed James

"Oi! Snivellus!!"

As Snape turned around a fist collided with his jaw and he was grabbed by his collar and pinned against the wall

"I know she said it.....but STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL" James said in an eerily low voice shoving the Slytherin boy before going on his way


Lily skipped dinner instead she showed and washed every inche of her body so much that she was red

Lily stood in front of the mirror in her room , she was not flabby.....she wasn't skinny like Marlene or tall like Dorcas or even adorable like Alice

She knew she wasn't the best looking , Snape's words rang in her ears

He didn't deserve her, he deserved someone who would keep him safe and someone he could be seen with and not fell ashamed

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