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Lily was curled up in her bed desperately trying to hold back sobs , she couldn't handle James hating her

"Lils" A voice broke her from her thoughts she looked up to see Marlene in the doorway 

"Marls" she whispered Marlene didn't say anything but pulled her in for a hug

"I haven't seen you all week" Lily said and lay her head on Marlene's shoulder

"Yes you did you saw me in class an-

"No I mean at meals"

"I always seemed to miss you guys I ate lunch with Peter yesterday" she said Lily nodded

Marlene held her till she fell asleep and the left for the night not before giving James a lecture about basic manners and having Sirius drag her away

Lily walked to the Great hall for breakfast a heavy feeling in her chest James didn't wait for her that morning he wasn't even in the common room

She looked at the table and their usually cheerful gang seemed to be sitting in a tense silence

Feeling a sudden wave of anxiety wash over her,  she turned around about leave

"EVANS!!" Sirius voice echoed through the hall , she cussed under her breath and made her way to the group

"Morning" she said as she approached everyone

"Morning Lily!!" Peter said

"Hello lover!!" Alice said as she came into the hall behind Lily shortly followed by Frank

"Ohhh tis you my prince!!?? Or is it the evil witch!!" Lily said in mock fear looking at Alice

"I say you get away from her you scoundrel!!" Marlene said and held out her toast

"Ohh and who's gonna to make me!!??" Alice said in her sinister voice

"Why that be me!! SIR SIRIUSUS!!" He said in a pirate accent and we broke into a laughing fit

"Ohh blimey!! What you look at that!!"Lily said as she grabbed a muffin and stood up

"Time for me to disappear!!" She said and Marlene chuckled

"Hold your hoofs!! I'm joining you!!" Marlene said and got up

"Well I'm coming too!!" Alice said as the three of them walked away with Alice doing some weird dance moves

James mentally murdered himself he could never get over Lily her laugh was  enough to haunt him till the day he die

The marauders watched as the girls walked out and then Remus stood up

"Off to class" he said and shooed them  following after as they made our way to class

The morning rolled by quick and they finally had a break and were en route to the courtyard when they stopped

"Hey that's the girls" Sirius said pointing at the group of girls

"Well spotted Pads" Remus said rolling his eyes

"They haven't seen us" Sirius said with a glint in eye

"What are you thinking?" James asked mirroring Sirius smirk

"Nothing just we merely list-

"Sirius you will not eavesdrop on their conversation" Remus said slamming his book shut

"C'mon moony I'm curious as to what they talk about" Sirius said

"If we get caught we're blaming you" James said ducking behind the wall

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