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James walked down the halls in a world of his own when someone bumped into him

"Watch wher- Snivellus" he greeted the Sytherin boy with a smirk

"Potter" Snape spat with a scowl

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did you??" James taunted

"What's your problem??" Snape asked turning to face James 

"My problem is you cornering Lily even when she doesn't want you too" James said and squared up

"Lily's none of your business"

"And she's yours?? Stay away from her"

"Or what??" Snape asked and James knew what was coming but he was two steps ahead 

"Expiliamus" James yelled and his wand went flying towards James

"Incarcerous" James yelled

"What are going to do now Snape??" He taunted

"You think your so smart but I didn't forget what you promised her fifth year" Snape said his lips curling as James faltered for a moment

"I know you promised her you won't hurt me yet here we are!! I'm sure she will hate you more than she already does if she ever found out" he said James took a few steps back

"What's wrong Potter??" He asked mockingly

"Supefy" James said and Snape went flying into the wall the nearest wall

"You best hope I don't tell" Snape said chuckling dryly

James walked up to him and grabbed his collar pinning him to the wall

"You stay away from he-

"She's mine" Snape said as the words left his mouth he realised that was the tipping point James punched him straight in the jaw and pushed him futher into the wall

"You don't talk about this!! This never happened!!! understand?? And Lily is her own free person!! Snivellus!!" James let him fall and walked down the corridor flicking his wand releasing Snape from the binds

James found the boys and we chatted for a couple minutes before his thoughts drifted to Lily

After his comment that morning things  turned awkward

"we're going to have a problem if you wear those short again??" The fuck was that count on me to screw it up

James thought to himself as he mentally jumped of the astronomy tower

"Still no luck with Evans??" Sirius asked   nudging James


"What do you expect?? You told her you won't do any funny business and then you went on to tell her not to wear shorts by whispering in her ear" Remus said

"I know that was stupid!!" James said with a groan

"You know what I'll talk to her" Sirius said putting his hand up

"You?? No offense Pads but Lily would probably hex you" Peter said and scoffed

"Moony!!!" James whined and looked at him but was met with a glare

"Absolutely not!! The last time I did that you went on to making a fool of Snape and getting her insulted in front of everyone" Remus said

"I matured after that"

"Not really" Remus mumbled under his breath

"Oii!!! Potter!!" The voice made Sirius stand up straight and push his hair out of his face

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