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Lily and Sirius sat by the lake as Sirius opened the envelope and pulled out the letter

This may not concern you but  it feels wrong you not knowing.

Grandmother has passed...I know the two of you were close mother said not to mention anything but I had too and in the time of her death she left you something..... a letter of sorts I don't know what it says but mother was fast to claim it she couldn't open it because it was charmed and I managed to get it I'll hand it to you personally when we meet if we meet

I know you left but please brother try to be at the funeral if not for me then for Grandma

The funeral is being held at Crabbe manner at 3:00 in the afternoon on Saturday

I'll be by the entrance of Hogwards by 2:45 if you choose to come....I wish you would


Lily looked to see Sirius wiping his cheek she hugged him and he buried his face in her shoulder

She put her hand on his head but then quickly lifted it knowing his whole "No one touches my hair unless we're in a ''situation" thing"

''No it's okay" he said in between sobs Lily stroked his hair as he cried into her shoulder

"I'm sorry Evans" he said and pulled away after awhile wiping his tears

"Don't apologize your only human" she said and gave him a small smile

"She was the only one who treated me like family" he said and looked at the black lake

"She stepped in so many times and stopped the belt from touching me"

"She loved me....when she heard I was a Gryffindor she was happy said that she was proud I broke the curse"

"Are you going on Saturday??" Lily asked

"Should I?? I haven't seen my parents in two years and everyone there will be snorty death eaters and stuck up purebloods"

"That sounds horrible....but you should go" she said and he turned to look at her in surprise

"To say goodbye" she said and wiped her own tears

"I can't assure you that it will be easy Sirius but it gets better"

"You and James make a good pair you know" he said and for once there was no playfulness in his tone

"He's the only other person who's seen me cry"

"Pads you look at me" she said and cupped his face and made a "angry" face

"It's okay to be's okay to cry every once in a while.....I'll never judge you Sirius Black!!" She said and squished his cheeks

"Evans my cheeks" he said and she laughed at his expression and let go of his face

"Thanks Evans and I know you'll never judge me" he said and pulled her in for a hug

"And my bloody cheeks hurt" he said and shoved her , Lily rolled down the hill and he let out a loud laugh

"SIRIUS BLACK!!" She screeched

"RIGHT HERE EVANS!!" He yelled from the top still doubling over with laugher she got up and climbed back up

"Okay now payback!!" She said and his eyes widen

"Stay still!!" She said and pulled out a hair tie from my bag

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